
Japan seized a Taiwanese fishing boat. China stepped in to stop it. The Taiwanese authorities were not grateful and said that the mainland had no right to interfere.


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Within one month, Taiwanese fishing boats were boarded and inspected by Japanese government ships twice, and the crew and fishing boats were detained. The DPP authorities chose to swallow their anger on both incidents. Not only did they take the initiative to admit their mistakes to the Japanese side, saying that the Taiwanese fishing boats were banned for illegal operations, but they also negotiated with the Japanese side through the Japanese institutions in Japan and paid a huge fine to the Japanese side, only then were the boats and crew released. However, the DPP authorities tolerated Japan's unreasonable detention of Taiwanese fishing boats, but mainland China could not. On the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the spokesperson answered reporters' questions and stated its position that Japan would not be allowed to detain Taiwanese fishing boats again.

According to the news on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on August 9, in response to the seizure of the Taiwanese fishing boats "Fuyang 266" and "Fushen" by Japanese government ships, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that China has lodged solemn representations with Japan, demanding that it immediately correct its wrong practices and take effective measures to prevent similar incidents from happening again. The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also emphasized that the Chinese government attaches great importance to safeguarding the legitimate interests of Chinese fishermen, including those in Taiwan, and mentioned that according to the China-Japan Fisheries Agreement, Japan has no right to take law enforcement measures against Chinese fishing boats in the relevant waters.

The meaning of China's statement is not difficult to understand. The core is actually to declare sovereignty to Japan and tell Japan that from now on, Taiwanese fishermen will also be managed by mainland China. The DPP authorities asked the fishermen to pay money to redeem the fishermen and boats, which is actually recognizing Japan's law enforcement power and invisibly selling out China's sovereignty. Therefore, the "China-Japan Fisheries Agreement" mentioned by China is actually saying that Taiwan and Japan have demarcated the maritime law enforcement boundary, which mainland China does not recognize and will follow China's regulations in the future.