
High-scoring candidates squeeze into second-tier universities and junior colleges: "Seeking leniency" or "seeking stability"?


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□Jia Jingxuan (Shanxi University)
Recently, news about some high-scoring college students choosing to attend junior colleges and vocational technical colleges has repeatedly made headlines, including Zhang Xiao, who was reported on the official Weibo account of the Beijing Youth Daily column. He applied for Zhejiang Police College, a junior college-level higher vocational college, with a high score of 655, which was only nine points lower than the admission score of Zhejiang University. (Beijing Youth Daily, August 7)
The target institutions for college entrance examination graduates are often "985", "211" and "Double First-Class" schools. They start from the first-class undergraduate schools with the strongest comprehensive strength and the highest professional ranking, and mainly apply for comprehensive schools. This has been the mainstream direction for many years. This kind of application idea can be called "seeking breadth". Although there are restrictions on the majors studied after entering university, the arts, sciences, and engineering are not separated. Most of the knowledge needs to be learned from each other and integrated. In the future, when taking postgraduate entrance examinations, doctoral examinations, and entering the society to find a job, the career paths available will be more flexible and broad.
Some current college entrance examination graduates, even those with high scores, are looking at junior colleges and vocational schools, which is very different from the traditional direction of application, and even goes against it. Some people have raised questions, "After more than ten years of hard study, is it just to go to a junior college?" This kind of application idea seems to be "narrow", but from another perspective it is actually "seeking stability". For example, applying for mechanical manufacturing majors and computer application majors in technical schools, specializing in a certain aspect for study and in-depth research, can greatly improve hands-on practical ability, master practical skills in work, and have strong competitiveness in future employment; and in colleges in the fields of railways, police, etc., students can directly enter the unit to work after graduating from college, eliminating the bitter competition under employment pressure, and the future career path is more stable and guaranteed.
The population of society is huge, and technology is developing rapidly. More and more occupations are being intervened or even replaced by artificial intelligence, and many positions have reached saturation. Whether it is employment or entrepreneurship, the goal of going to school is first to find a suitable field of work for oneself through the "stepping stone" of academic qualifications to ensure survival and life; "seeking breadth" and "seeking stability" are actually two feasible countermeasures to the current huge employment competition pressure. As ordinary people in the world, since we are unable to change the environment, we can only adapt to the environment by changing ourselves and improving our abilities. The road of "seeking breadth" is certainly the mainstream public's desire, but "seeking stability" may not be a new choice and way of adaptation? Regarding the fork in the road after the college entrance examination, a major node in life, we still have more room for thinking and choice.