
"Many NATO mercenaries invaded Russia"


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On the 6th, Ukraine unexpectedly used armored forces to attack Russia's weakly defended Kursk region. This move caused panic among civilians and forced Moscow to urgently dispatch additional troops.

According to a report by Russian News Agency on August 10, the Russian National Anti-Terrorism Committee announced thatImplementing a system of anti-terrorist operations in Belgorod, Kursk and Bryansk regions

Major General Apted Araudinov, commander of the Chechen special forces and deputy director of the Russian Armed Forces' Main Military and Political Directorate, believes thatUkrainian military operations in the Kursk direction are led by NATO headquarters

When Kiev launched a cross-border raid on Russia's Kursk region bordering Ukraine, some military experts asked: "Why?" One of Ukraine's biggest problems on the battlefield is manpower.So the very act of sending Ukrainian troops into Russia is, so to speak, counterintuitive in the eyes of some.

"These actions by the Kiev regime, as well as the attack by Ukrainian forces on the Kursk region, are aimed at appeasing NATO and the United States," he said.

According to a report by the Russian Satellite News Agency on August 9, Lebanese political scientist Sajis Abu ZeidThey are all trying to get more aid from Europe and the United States so that the Kiev regime can continue its war.

Russian frontline commander: Many NATO mercenaries have invaded Russia

According to a report by TASS on August 9, Major General Apted Arauddinov, commander of the Chechen special forces and deputy director of the Russian Armed Forces' Main Military and Political Directorate, believes that the Ukrainian army's operations in the Kursk direction are led by the NATO command.

“Of course, it can be concluded that the operation was led directly by NATO headquarters. This issue is indisputable, because it is unlikely that the Ukrainians could have done it themselves,” Araudinov reportedly told war correspondents.

The report said that Araudinov was fighting in the Kursk direction, and he said there were many French and Polish mercenaries there. "We have confirmed that there are a lot of French and Polish people in all (tense) directions, that is, there are a lot of mercenaries (in the Kursk direction)."

The Russian Ministry of Defense posted on social media on the 8th that the Russian armed forces and the Russian Federal Security Service border guards continued to block Ukrainian attacks in many places such as Sudja District in Kursk Oblast. The Russian army also launched an air strike on the Ukrainian army reserve forces in Sumy Oblast, Ukraine.

Russia announces implementation of anti-terrorist action system in three states

According to a report by RIA Novosti on August 10, the Russian National Anti-Terrorism Committee announced that a counter-terrorism action system would be implemented in Belgorod, Kursk and Bryansk regions.

The committee reportedly pointed out that "the Kiev regime has taken unprecedented actions to destabilize the situation in several regions of Russia." The terrorist activities of Ukrainian troops in Kursk Oblast have caused civilian casualties and destroyed houses and other civilian facilities.

The notice stated: "In order to ensure the safety of citizens and eliminate the threat of terrorist attacks by enemy sabotage and reconnaissance forces, Bortnikov, Chairman of the Russian National Anti-Terrorism Committee and Director of the Federal Security Service, decided to organize and implement anti-terrorist operations in Belgorod, Bryansk and Kursk regions from August 9, 2024."

In addition, relevant departments are taking additional measures to ensure citizen safety, maintain law and order, and strengthen anti-terrorism protection of facilities.

Ukrainian troops invaded Russian territory, and military experts are asking why

According to the U.S. "Wall Street Journal" website on August 7, on the 6th, Ukraine unexpectedly used armored forces to attack Russia's weakly defended Kursk region. This move caused panic among civilians and forced Moscow to urgently dispatch additional troops.

The purpose of the incursion was unclear, and the number of troops involved was small compared with the hundreds of thousands of troops deployed by both sides in Ukraine.

According to a U.S. official, the initial U.S. assessment was that the incursion was a response to Russian cross-border attacks that were supported by the Kursk region.

“Ukraine cannot open a second front,” said Nick Reynolds, a research fellow at the Royal United Services Institute in London. “They need to stabilize the Donbas front.”

Despite this, the speed and suddenness of Ukraine's actions seemed to catch Russian forces by surprise, the report noted.

The development could allow Ukrainian forces to disrupt Russian supply lines to its troops near Kharkiv. It also shows that "Ukrainian cross-border attacks are not over and Russia is not at ease on its own territory," Reynolds said.

Ukraine may hope that Russia will withdraw its troops from the eastern front, thereby relieving the pressure on Kiev's troops there.

"It is unclear whether this operation will force Russia to move troops from Donbas to the Russian border," said Rob Lee, a senior fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute. He added that Russia already has troops and supplies near the border in the Kharkiv region that they could redeploy rather than withdraw from Donbas.

According to the BBC website on August 7, when Kiev launched a cross-border raid on the Kursk region of Russia bordering Ukraine, some military experts asked: "Why?" One of Ukraine's biggest problems on the battlefield is manpower. Therefore, sending Ukrainian soldiers into Russia itself is, so to speak, counterintuitive in the eyes of some people.

But that is far from the case. War expert Konstantin Mashovets posted on Facebook: "This is not an accident. This is clearly part of a clear plan."

Military analyst Myhaylo Zhirokhov agreed, saying Russia had been forced to redeploy some troops on the front lines in eastern Ukraine.

The report noted that it is extremely unlikely that Ukraine would launch such an invasion in order to occupy Russian territory, but if the goal was to draw out Russian troops, it would quickly be achieved.

While similar incursions have occurred before, this is the first time that regular Ukrainian troops have been used in this way.

Clearly, Ukraine would consider the operation worthwhile if it could thwart or even prevent a large-scale Russian attack in its north, the report said.

"The greater the pressure we put on the aggressors who are waging war against Ukraine, the closer we will be to peace," President Zelensky said in an evening speech.

Experts: Ukraine invaded Russia to get more aid from Europe and the United States

According to a report by the Russian Satellite News Agency on August 9, Lebanese political scientist Sajis Abu Zeid told the Satellite News Agency that the Ukrainian government is trying hard to enhance its prestige and boost the morale of the Ukrainian army.

"These actions taken by the Kiev regime to please NATO and the United States, as well as the attack by Ukrainian forces on the Kursk region, are attempts to obtain more European and American aid so that the Kiev regime can continue its war," the expert said.

The expert expressed regret that Ukraine's military operations against Russian civilians had not been condemned by the West, the report said.

He believes that the West is trying to distract Russia with the Ukrainian counteroffensive in order to eliminate any positive role Russia might play in events in the Middle East.

Gerasimov, Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, said on August 7 that at 5:30 a.m. on August 6, more than a thousand Ukrainian troops launched an attack with the goal of capturing villages and towns on the front line of Kursk Oblast. Gerasimov pointed out that the Ukrainian army's advance into Russia had been cut off. On August 8, the Russian Ministry of Defense issued a notice that 660 Ukrainian troops who attempted to break into Kursk Oblast were killed or injured in two days, and 82 armored vehicles were destroyed.

(Source: Comprehensive Reference News)
