
The documentary "Mawangdui's Immortal Years" is scheduled to be released on August 19!


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The documentary #马王桩·岁月不仙# is scheduled for August 19! When we look up at the starry sky, we look at history affectionately. The silk painting is lightly unfolded, outlining the fantastic scenes of heaven, earth and underground. Every stroke and every line is the ancients' profound thinking and romantic imagination about the mysteries of the universe and the cycle of life and death. Under the interweaving of time and space, we jointly explore the mysteries of the vast universe and feel the immortality and eternity of time. Under the guidance of the Propaganda Department of the Hunan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, with special support from @湖南博物馆, and produced by Mango Bojing and Bojing Culture, the documentary "Mawangdui·岁月不仙" will be broadcast simultaneously on @湖南卫视@芒果TV from 19:30 every Monday to Thursday starting from August 19.

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