
Talk show expert seminar: We must adhere to the basic tone of being positive and kind


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According to the official website of the China Internet Audiovisual Association, on August 9, an expert seminar on talk shows hosted by the China Internet Audiovisual Association and organized by Tencent Video was held in Beijing. Luo Jianhui, vice president of the China Internet Audiovisual Association, attended the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Li Yuesen, senior editor of China Television.
According to reports, the participants used the talk show "Talk Show and His Friends" as a research case, communicated from different perspectives, and discussed topics such as how to further improve the content creation of talk shows and promote the sustainable and healthy development of talk shows.
The meeting believes that to promote the high-quality development of talk shows, we must first adhere to the people-centered creative orientation, go deep into life, and dig out the truth. Talk shows should take a clear-cut mass route, and encourage creators to find group resonance in individual experiences by digging out real stories and touching moments in life. Second, we must adhere to the basic principle of "letting a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend." Talk show performers should consciously adhere to their artistic ideals and constantly improve their learning, cultivation, and self-cultivation. Third, we must adhere to the basic style of being upward and kind. The healthy development of the talk show industry must lay a good "background" of norms. Fourth, we must avoid defects in the evaluation system and deviations in value orientation. To do a good talk show, we must not only select good contestants, but also select good on-site guest judges and audience judges, and guide the audience to correct values.
Li Yuesen, senior editor of China Television, believes that Chinese talk shows are worthy of study, not only because they are a form and a cultural phenomenon, but also because they are closely linked to China's contemporary social environment.
Chen Zhen, deputy director of the review group of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, analyzed the principles that need to be followed in the creation of talk shows from the perspective of safety and compliance. He said that for talk shows to move towards a healthy development, the bottom line of the core socialist values ​​is the first priority. It is necessary to master the proportion and rhythm, focus on positive publicity, and do a good job in dynamic review.
Zhao Tong, director of the Television Art Center of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, discussed the personalized artistic expression of talk shows from the perspective of literary and artistic theory. He pointed out that talk shows are close to life and are part of grassroots narratives. Talk shows are bound to have thorns, but the key is to grasp the right degree.
Li Minghao, deputy director of the research department of the China Television Art Committee, believes that talk shows should select actors with unique perspectives, meticulous observations of life, advanced vision and skilled techniques, so as to set an excellent standard and development direction for the entire industry.
Zhou Kui, director of the research department of the Network Video Research Center of Communication University of China and deputy editor-in-chief of the Media Blue Book, said that talk show is a very important literary form in contemporary times and a non-fictional narrative. Every joke and every stalk must have its real social prototype and background so that the audience can find resonance and identification in it.
Niu Mengdi, chief editor of the Literature and Art Department of Guangming Daily, believes that current talk shows carry our emotional values, and finding a point of release for our emotions in such programs is the necessity for the existence of talk shows.
Bian Yuan, deputy editor of the People's Publishing House, said that comedy has always been an important need of our spiritual culture. Every era has its own comedy and comedians. Comedy is a very vital and valuable art form. Today's talk show is the comedy of our era, and talk show practitioners are the comedians of our era.
Bai Hongyu, head of Tencent Online Video Seven Ounces Studio and project supervisor of "Talk Show and His Friends", used "Talk Show and His Friends" as a case to introduce the creation of talk shows and shared the platform's innovative experience and practices. He said that from the platform's own perspective, the purpose of doing comedy variety shows is to allow the audience to release stress in their daily lives and feel more happiness. Just like the slogan of "Talk Show and His Friends": "Talk about the troubles of life with talk shows", this is also what variety show practitioners want to bring to the audience.
Experts at the meeting believed that the texts they watched this time showed that "Talk Show and His Friends", as a talk show competition program, uses specific people and events as creative materials, and through the vivid expressions of talk show actors, observes the daily lives of ordinary people and conveys a happy and positive attitude towards life. This program format not only meets the audience's current demand for entertainment content, but also allows the audience to resonate and think in laughter.
Public information shows that the China Network Audiovisual Program Services Association, which hosted this seminar, was established on August 19, 2011. It is the only national industry organization (first-level association) in the field of network audiovisual and one of the largest industry associations in my country's Internet field.
The association currently has more than 700 member units, including radio and television broadcasting organizations such as China Media Group, Hunan TV, and Zhejiang TV, mainstream new media organizations such as People's Daily Online, Xinhuanet,, Migu Culture, and Wasu, Internet companies such as Alibaba, Tencent, and Baidu, audio-visual program service organizations such as Youku, iQiyi, Sohu Video, and Bilibili, film and television program production companies such as China Film, Huace, Ciwen, Noon Sunshine, and Perfect World, as well as network technology companies such as Huawei and ZTE, covering the entire industry chain of the online audio-visual industry.
The Paper reporter Jiang Ziwen
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