
"Sound Waves!" is still popular after its finale and is highly praised for delivering a perfect score


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Recently, the college music study tour reality show "Roll! Sound Waves!" produced by Mango TV and Hunan Cool Travel Media has come to a successful conclusion.
Red Net Time News August 10th(Reporter Wang Heng, Correspondent Liu Yu) Recently, the college music study tour reality show "Roll! Sound Waves!" produced by Mango TV and Hunan Cool Travel Media has come to a successful conclusion. Since its broadcast, the show has frequently resonated with the audience and delivered a perfect answer to the market. According to statistics, the number of views on Mango TV is 500 million, the ratings of CSM35 central cities have ranked in the top 4 for many periods, and the number of readings of related topics on the entire network has exceeded 1.3 billion. On platforms such as Weibo, Douyin, and Kuaishou, a unique wave of "Roll! Sound Waves!" has been set off.
Along with the broadcast of the program, "Roll! Sound Waves!" also held the 2024 Mango TV Variety Show Meeting and National College Music Carnival 10-city offline campus tour in 10 cities including Nanjing, Nanchang, Wuhan, Zhengzhou, and Chengdu. With the program accompanying online and the music carnival bonus offline, the unique singing and performing form left a deep impression on the audience and was praised by the Hunan Provincial Radio and Television Bureau.
Taking both online and offline into consideration, "Flipping the Wave" has become a new popular label among college students
"Roll! Sound Waves!" will be broadcast every Saturday at 21:25 on Hubei Satellite TV and at 22:00 on Mango TV starting from May 4, 2024, for a total of 10 episodes. In the program, Gong Linna, Yuan Hao, Bo Yuan, Chu Na Lisa, Travel Band, Liang Long, Yamy Guo Ying, Jiao Maiqi, and Lu Keran led 10 college students to study in different places, learn about local culture, and integrate it into music creation, and finally performed 5 unique live shows.
Different from other music variety shows, "Roll! Sound Waves!" has been focusing on college students since its inception. Five cities held auditions, and 10 distinctive, capable, and representative college students were selected from thousands of college students to form the "Flip Waves" family. The program used amateur college students as the protagonists of the program in a breakthrough way. When the program was broadcast, a unique and innovative offline college music carnival was held, with the online program driving the offline tour, and the offline tour feeding back to the online program. While opening up a new track for music variety shows, it cleverly solved the important issue of how to better narrow the distance between the program and the audience.
The 10 members of Fanlang Family came from colleges and universities, and returned to colleges and universities, becoming the best banner for college students to pursue their musical dreams. As the online popularity continues to rise, the offline campus tour has also attracted many college students to participate and share, and has gradually become a new popular label among college students.
Decisive selection of emerging groups and continuous innovation have won praise
With the rich market research results, "Roll! Sound Waves!" filled the test paper of music variety shows with its strength in a short period of time, and won the heartfelt praise of many audiences after the end.
In addition, "Roll! Sound Waves!" uses the "music + study tour + performance" model to integrate learning, play, food, entertainment and music performances, providing a stage for the members of the Fanlang family to realize their self-worth, presenting a warm music feast to the audience, and has also been fully recognized by the Hunan Radio and Television Bureau. Among them, the distinctive "study tour" element has also been praised repeatedly, such as the Fanlang family learning traditional guzheng singing and cutting-edge AI composition at the Wuhan Conservatory of Music. The collision of modern music and traditional culture shows the unique artistic charm of music, triggers the public's thinking about AI creation, and also demonstrates the inclusiveness and foresight of the program.
As a new music variety show IP, "Roll! Sound Waves" is committed to exploring new models and presenting new content. It has not only achieved remarkable results, but will continue to do so in the future. It is worth mentioning that the producer of the program, Hunan Cool Travel Media Co., Ltd., has made an indelible contribution to this achievement.
Cool Travel Media was born out of the Hunan Television Army and has assembled a team of senior people in the integrated communication industry. Guided by the principle of "deepening the university market and innovating brand marketing", it takes college students as its target audience and develops an innovative model for music variety shows with the four-in-one "competitions + programs + tours + communities". It focuses on creating "star-studded" projects for brands/cities/cultural tourism, adheres to the original aspirations of the company, and connects more brands with college students.
With both commercial and humanistic values, the company has started successfully and continues to make progress
From a commercial perspective, "Roll! Sound Waves!" is a successful IP with extremely high commercial value.
Traffic is precisely controllable online. Colleges and universities have always been a daunting field for commercial brands. Kulv Media uses "Roll! Sound Waves!" to promote the brand to consumers in a better and more acceptable way.
All-round communication and efficient empowerment. The program is cleverly developed through study tours, linking multi-dimensional brands, and carrying out multi-level implantation. It cooperates with online and offline channels to allow consumers to contact and bind with brands through online acquisition of the same items and offline campus check-ins, making implantation easier.
Continue to exert efforts to strengthen the core. When the first season of the program came to an end, the online registration for the second season was in full swing. While more precise consumers paid attention to the program, it also proved from the side that the brand image has the characteristics of youth, which accurately matches the tonality of the corresponding brand and will be more suitable for the injection and linkage of fast-moving consumer goods brands.
In the future, the mainstream consumers in the market will be occupied by Generation Z. They are more willing to pay for emotional value than cost-effectiveness, so it is particularly important to cultivate loyalty to IP from the school days. Online soft implantation of programs, strong binding of activities offline, and the combination of online and offline have become the strongest trump card of Kulv Media. With this all-round trump card in hand, how Kulv can take on this wave of traffic and continue to exert its strength has become the next test that the market and consumers are most looking forward to.