
The second generation of stars debuted! Yi Nengjing recorded a video to wish her son a happy debut: This is the first song you heard in the delivery room, your parents are proud of you!


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On August 8, the movie "Negatives Make Positives" premiered. Enli, the son of Harlem Yu and Yi Nengjing, appeared at the premiere as a singer, sparking heated discussions.

Enli sang live for the first time at the event, singing her father's representative work "Love Is Not a Choice" with Zhu Yilong and performing her first stage performance.

Many years after their divorce, Harlem Yu and Yi Nengjing rarely recorded a video together to support their son.

Related topics quickly topped the hot search list, sparking heated discussions.

On the evening of the 8th, Enli's studio posted a message: "I heard from Enli's mother that this was the first song Enli heard in the delivery room after he was born. As Enli's first stage in life, Komuro was very excited. He also sang the original song "Your Appearance" on the spot."

Later, Yi Nengjing reposted the post in response: "The first second you came into the world in the delivery room, the first song you heard, and the first stage in your life, you sang with Zhu Yilong. I hope you know that you came into the world with love, just like the movie "Negatives Make Positives", no matter what fate is, love is salvation. Today, my song 'Your Appearance' also performed very well! Mom and Dad are proud of you!"

Public information shows that Yi Nengjing was born in March 1968, 10 years older than her current husband Qin Hao. In February 2000, Yi Nengjing and Harlem Yu registered their marriage; in March 2002, they gave birth to their son Enli; in March 2009, Yi Nengjing issued a divorce statement; in September 2014, Yi Nengjing posted a Weibo to announce her acceptance of Qin Hao's proposal; in March 2015, Yi Nengjing and Qin Hao held an island wedding abroad; in June 2016, Yi Nengjing gave birth to a daughter.

[Source: Jiupai News Comprehensive]

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