
Construction of four new campuses of Wuhan municipal universities is accelerating


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On August 6, the Wuhan Municipal People's Government website released the "Notice of the General Office of the Municipal People's Government on Printing and Distributing Several Measures to Support the High-Quality Development of Municipal Universities in Wuhan."

It mentioned supporting municipal universities to improve their educational level, promoting the construction of undergraduate-level vocational schools at Wuhan Software Engineering Vocational College and Wuhan City Vocational College, and starting the construction of a new type of high-level applied cybersecurity university with high standards.

It was also mentioned that the construction of Wuhan Business School's indoor equestrian hall, new business building, new engineering building, student dormitories and other projects have been completed, and the Mayinghe new campus has been built. The construction of the new campuses of Wuhan Software Engineering Vocational College and Wuhan City Vocational College has been started in Xinzhou District and Huangpi District respectively. The construction of the new campus of Cyber ​​Security University has been promoted in Dongxihu District to create favorable conditions for the high-level construction of the school.

The following is the original text of the notice.

Notice of the General Office of the Municipal People's Government on Printing and Distributing Several Measures for Wuhan to Support the High-Quality Development of Municipal Universities

To the people's governments of all districts and departments of the municipal people's government:

"Several Measures of Wuhan City to Support the High-Quality Development of Municipal Universities" has been approved by the Municipal People's Government and is now issued to you. Please implement it conscientiously.

Wuhan Municipal People's Government Office

July 27, 2024

Several measures taken by Wuhan City to support the high-quality development of municipal universities

In order to thoroughly implement the strategy of building a strong country through education, enhance the core competitiveness of municipal universities, better serve and promote the "three advantages transformation", and accelerate the reshaping of Wuhan's "heavy" in the new era, the following measures are proposed:

1. Optimize the types and levels of schools. Support municipal universities to jointly train graduate students with ministerial and provincial universities and research institutes. By 2026, Jianghan University will strive to add 1-2 doctoral degree authorization points such as clinical medicine, and Wuhan Business School will strive to be approved as a master's degree awarding institution and 2-3 master's degree authorization points such as tourism management. Support municipal universities to improve the level of school operation, promote the construction of undergraduate vocational schools at Wuhan Software Engineering Vocational College and Wuhan City Vocational College, and start the construction of a new type of high-level applied cybersecurity university with high standards. Run Wuhan Open University well and strengthen the construction of the city's open university system. (Responsible units: Municipal Party Committee Cyberspace Affairs Office, Municipal Education Bureau, Dongxihu District People's Government, municipal universities, Wuhan Cybersecurity University Preparatory Office)

2. Focus on the construction of advantageous disciplines. Support Jianghan University to strengthen its distinctive disciplines and professional groups, and strive to have 5-6 disciplines ranked in the top 1% of the ESI global ranking within 2-3 years; support Jianghan University to build chemical engineering and technology disciplines as first-class disciplines; when appropriate, 7 municipal hospitals such as Wuhan Central Hospital and Wuhan Fourth Hospital will be made affiliated hospitals or clinical medical schools of Jianghan University, and the original affiliation of medical institutions will remain unchanged. Focus on advantageous and distinctive disciplines such as modern service industry and information technology, and support Wuhan Business School to create 1-2 new provincial advantageous and distinctive disciplines (groups). Support Wuhan Software Engineering Vocational College and Wuhan City Vocational College to build 2-3 national "double high" distinctive majors (groups), and focus on improving the level of education in majors (groups) such as software technology, industrial robot technology, preschool education, and intelligent new energy vehicle technology and services. (Responsible units: Municipal Education Bureau, Municipal Finance Bureau, Municipal Health Commission, and municipal universities)

3. Actively expand the space for running schools. Promote the construction of the field experimental base of the State Key Laboratory of Fine Blasting of Jianghan University in Jiangxia District (responsible units: Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Bureau of Natural Resources and Urban-Rural Construction, Jiangxia District People's Government). Complete the construction of the indoor equestrian hall, new business building, new engineering building, student dormitory and other projects of Wuhan Business School, and build the new campus of Mayinghe (responsible units: Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Bureau of Natural Resources and Urban-Rural Construction, Wuhan Economic Development Zone Management Committee). Start the construction of the new campus of Wuhan Software Engineering Vocational College and Wuhan Urban Vocational College in Xinzhou District and Huangpi District respectively (responsible units: Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Bureau of Natural Resources and Urban-Rural Construction, Huangpi District and Xinzhou District People's Governments). Promote the construction of a new campus of Cyber ​​Security University in Dongxihu District to create favorable conditions for the high-level construction of the school (responsible units: Dongxihu District People's Government, Wuhan Cyber ​​Security University Preparatory Office). Guide relevant schools to speed up the preparation of campus master plans, and handle property rights certificates for remaining land and buildings left over from history in accordance with laws and regulations (responsible units: Municipal Housing and Urban Renewal Bureau, Municipal Urban Management Law Enforcement Committee, Municipal Natural Resources and Urban-Rural Construction Bureau, East Lake High-tech Zone Management Committee, and Qiaokou District and Hongshan District People’s Governments).

4. Improve the level of innovation capability. Support the optimization and reorganization of the National Key Laboratory of Fine Blasting jointly built by Jianghan University and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, promote high-level basic theory and applied research, enhance innovation source capabilities, and better serve the city's industrial innovation and development. Support Jianghan University and Wuhan Business School to undertake the construction of national, provincial, and municipal innovation platforms in the fields of photoelectrochemical materials and devices, horse doping detection, food science and engineering, low-carbon buildings and green environmental technologies (responsible units: Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Science and Technology Innovation Bureau, Municipal Sports Bureau). Support the newly approved national key laboratories and national industrial innovation centers, technology innovation centers, and engineering research centers in accordance with policies (responsible units: Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Science and Technology Innovation Bureau, Municipal Finance Bureau). Promote the pilot reform of granting scientific research personnel ownership or long-term use rights of their official scientific and technological achievements, improve the separate management of official scientific and technological achievements, and explore the "limited time conversion" and "first use and then transfer" systems for official scientific and technological achievements. Encourage the construction of municipal pilot platforms, and give rewards and subsidies to those with excellent performance evaluations in accordance with relevant regulations. Promote the establishment of a professional title evaluation and appointment system for technical managers and cultivate a team of high-level technical managers. Support the opening of courses for the transfer and transformation of scientific and technological achievements, set up professional technology transfer institutions, and provide comprehensive services for the transfer and transformation of scientific and technological achievements (responsible units: Municipal Science and Technology Innovation Bureau, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Economic and Information Technology Bureau, Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, and Municipal Finance Bureau).

5. Promote the integration of industry and education. Focusing on the "965" modern industrial system, accelerate the construction of the municipal industry-education consortium and the industry-education integration community. Focusing on the fields of intelligent manufacturing, metaverse, new materials, cultural creativity, etc., support Jianghan University to build an innovative economic belt around the university, and build and apply for one provincial-level excellent engineer college and one provincial-level modern industrial college. Support Wuhan Business School to build innovation parks and innovation buildings around food and nutrition, digital economy and other fields to promote industrial agglomeration and coordinated development. Support Wuhan Business School and relevant enterprises to explore the joint establishment of software and automotive intelligent industry colleges and Xinchuang artificial intelligence industry colleges, and strive to obtain approval for 1-2 provincial-level modern industrial colleges. Support Wuhan Software Engineering Vocational College and East Lake High-tech Zone to build the "Wuhan·China Optics Valley" municipal industry-education consortium. Focusing on the fields of intelligent equipment, intelligent networked vehicles, intelligent language services, etc., support Wuhan City Vocational College and Wuhan Economic and Technological Development Zone to build the "Wuhan·China Auto Valley" municipal industry-education consortium to form a good ecology conducive to the development of vocational education and the deep integration of industry and education. (Responsible units: Municipal Education Bureau, Municipal Science and Technology Innovation Bureau, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Economic and Information Bureau, East Lake High-tech Zone, Wuhan Economic Development Zone Management Committee, and municipal universities)

6. Improve the level of foreign exchanges. Support municipal universities to introduce high-quality higher education resources from abroad and hold high-level Sino-foreign cooperative education projects. Set up "Study in Wuhan" scholarships to strengthen the "Study in Wuhan" brand. Establish a "Belt and Road" education cooperation alliance for municipal universities to jointly carry out talent training, scientific research cooperation, academic exchanges, etc. Support Jianghan University and Wuhan Business School to strengthen higher education exchanges and cooperation with countries along the "Belt and Road"; support Wuhan Software Engineering Vocational College and Wuhan City Vocational College to carry out the construction of "Luban Workshop" in countries along the "Belt and Road" and promote the "Chinese + Vocational Skills" project. (Responsible units: Municipal Education Bureau, Municipal Finance Bureau, municipal universities)

7. Strengthen the construction of the teaching staff. In combination with the level and scale of school operation, municipal universities shall implement total personnel management and dynamic adjustment, and may independently set up internal institutions such as teaching, teaching assistance and scientific research, and may adopt diversified employment methods to independently and flexibly employ personnel. It is encouraged to tilt the establishment resources to the front line of teaching and scientific research, mainly for the recruitment of full-time teachers with senior professional titles and doctoral degrees. During the period of applying for a master's degree at Wuhan Business University and during the period of upgrading to undergraduate degree at Wuhan Software Engineering Vocational College and Wuhan City Vocational College, the establishment can be adjusted from the municipal high-level talent establishment turnover pool for special recruitment (responsible units: Municipal Party Committee Organization Department, Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, municipal universities). Municipal universities can independently carry out the evaluation of teacher professional titles and appoint according to positions. Support Wuhan Business University to increase the proportion of professional and technical senior positions to 35%, and on this basis, carry out the application and evaluation of senior professional titles according to the control ratio of 45% of the total number of professional and technical positions. The cash rewards for the transformation of job-related scientific and technological achievements obtained by teachers in municipal universities in accordance with the law are included in the total performance salary of the unit in the current year, but are not subject to the total limit and are not included in the total base (responsible units: Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, municipal universities). The municipal universities are granted the right to recommend "Wuhan Talents". For the national and provincial "Hundred Talents Program", "Chutian Scholars", winners of the "China Skills Award", "National Technical Experts" and other candidates of equivalent level, if there are no vacancies in the school, they can apply for special positions for appointment (responsible units: Municipal Talent Affairs Bureau, Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Municipal Finance Bureau, and municipal universities).

8. Promote the digital transformation of education. Improve the digital governance capabilities of municipal universities, establish a data-driven intelligent management decision-making and evaluation mechanism, and form a university education governance and monitoring system with Wuhan characteristics. Implement the digital literacy improvement project for university cadres to enhance the ability of school leaders and middle-level cadres to control the digital transformation of education. Support the creation of "Hubei Higher Education Smart Campus Benchmark School" and cultivate a number of typical scenarios for artificial intelligence education applications. Accelerate the digital transformation of disciplines, majors, and courses, support municipal universities to cooperate with leading enterprises to explore the application of large models, metaverse and other technologies in education and teaching reforms, comprehensively build smart teaching spaces and digital twin campuses, build a number of virtual simulation laboratories and virtual teaching and research rooms, and select a number of high-quality course resources to be selected into national and provincial smart education platforms. Establish a digital education community for municipal universities to share high-quality digital course resources and jointly build and share high-quality education resources. Carry out the digital empowerment of teachers to improve digital literacy, build an "artificial intelligence + teacher education" training platform, promote the pilot work of artificial intelligence to promote the construction of the teacher team with high quality, and strengthen the digital literacy assessment and training of teachers and students. Accelerate the cross-integration between disciplines, especially between artificial intelligence and traditional disciplines, through digitalization and intelligence, and enhance the cross-disciplinary innovation capabilities. (Responsible units: Municipal Education Bureau, Municipal Economic and Information Bureau, Municipal Data Bureau, and municipal universities)

9. Strengthen funding guarantees. Expand the autonomy of municipal universities in the use of school funds, simplify the funding use procedures in accordance with laws and regulations, and support them to independently formulate funding use management methods that are in line with their own characteristics on the basis of fiscal budget management such as "two lines of revenue and expenditure". Allow municipal universities to independently arrange the use of funds within the scope of project funding support, and allow scientific research funds to be carried forward and used within the scientific research cycle. Improve the budget allocation system of municipal universities and realize direct funding. Support the creation of "double first-class" and "double high-level plan" colleges and universities, and provide rewards and subsidies for newly approved doctoral and master's programs, first-class disciplines and high-level majors (groups). Coordinate budgetary investment, make full use of various funds such as central investment, local government general bonds, special bonds, development and reform special funds, science and technology special funds, and special funds to support the development and reform of universities, and increase financial investment in municipal universities. Support municipal universities to broaden the financing channels for higher education through market-oriented financing, school-enterprise cooperation, etc. Support the establishment of an education development fund. Guarantee the construction and operation funds of the Cyber ​​Security University. (Responsible units: Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Finance Bureau, Municipal Science and Technology Innovation Bureau, East Lake High-tech Zone, Wuhan Economic Development Zone Management Committee, Hongshan District, Dongxihu District People's Government, municipal universities)
