
He Pingli | The United States is taking two approaches to contain China. Japan should think twice about its future


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In order to maintain its hegemony, the United States is bent on containing China and manipulating China's neighbors to strengthen the framework of containing China. In a recent interview with Bloomberg, Rahm Emanuel, the U.S. ambassador to Japan, stated that the United States expects its Asia-Pacific allies to play a key role and win over China's neighbors to follow the United States in containing China.
Because China is too big to be isolated, the U.S. diplomat said the U.S. strategy is to deter China.
Emanuel said that as part of deterrence, the United States is launching two offensives on two fronts: one is to strengthen the military deployment of the US alliance network in the region, and the other is to undermine China's food and energy security through economic and diplomatic offensives. Japan plays an important role in both aspects.
Japan is clearly seen as the key to the encirclement of China designed by the United States. To this end, the United States intends to include Japan in the US-led "Quadrilateral Security Dialogue Mechanism" and the "Ocus" alliance between the United States, Japan, India and Australia, and strengthen the security cooperation framework between the United States, Japan and South Korea. In addition, the US military command in Japan will be upgraded to a joint command, and some US troops stationed in Honolulu will also be "moved forward to the war zone." This shows that the United States regards the area surrounding China as the next battlefield.
The US's attempt to win over Japan is exactly what the extreme right-wing politicians in Japan want. They think they can take this opportunity to strengthen their military and improve Japan's regional and even global status. Therefore, Japan not only shows a strong intention to strengthen the US-Japan alliance, but also makes the absurd claim that "if there is trouble in Taiwan, there is trouble in Japan", trying to get involved in the Taiwan and South China Sea issues. Last month, Japan and the Philippines just signed the "Reciprocal Access Agreement", and recently the two countries held their first maritime exercise in the South China Sea. Prior to this, the United States and the Philippines also held maritime exercises in the South China Sea.
The US-Japan security alliance has not only become an obstacle to China-Japan relations, but also a poison that undermines regional peace and stability, and provokes regional divisions and camp confrontations. Washington and Tokyo should not increase tensions and create turmoil, but should comply with the wishes of peace-loving people in the region and not let the US-Japan alliance destroy regional peace and stability.
This article is translated from the August 8 editorial of China Daily
Original title: Japan should think twice about taking point position in containment of China
Produced by: China Daily Editorial Office, China Daily Chinese Website
Source: China Daily