
"Immersive Talent Recruitment" starts with a free 3-day trial before joining the company


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Hubei Daily News (Reporter Zhang Zhenzhen, Correspondent Wu Fei, Dong Xincai) On August 8, Wuhan East Lake High-tech Zone held a press conference to announce the launch of the "Optical Valley Talent Attraction Special Train" activity. This fall, outstanding graduates recruited by Optics Valley in Beijing and Shanghai can take the "Optical Valley Talent Attraction Special Train" to experience work and life in Optics Valley for 3 days before joining the company. During this period, transportation, accommodation, insurance and other expenses will be borne by the East Lake High-tech Zone.
From September to October, the East Lake Hi-Tech Zone will organize nearly 40 high-quality employers in the zone, including HGUST ​​and Fiberhome, to hold special job fairs at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Fudan University and Tsinghua University to attract outstanding graduates in microelectronics, new materials and other majors.
Graduates who reach a preliminary employment intention with the company at the job fair will receive a ticket for the "Optical Valley Talent Attraction Train". Students only need to pack their luggage, take the ticket, go to the local high-speed rail station, and then they can take the "Optical Valley Talent Attraction Train" to visit the East Lake High-tech Zone and the intended companies.
During the 3-day and 2-night free visit, students will participate in "Life Tour", "Work Tour", "Culture Tour" and "Entertainment Tour" activities to immerse themselves in the working and living environment of Optics Valley.
Students will live in Optics Valley Talent Apartments, commute to work by subway or shuttle bus, meet with senior executives face to face, visit and eat in the cafeteria, and experience the day of being a professional. At the same time, they will also check in the Optics Valley Skytrain to travel around the Optics Valley Central City, visit famous attractions in Wuhan, experience characteristic commercial areas, taste various foods, and feel the "fireworks" of Optics Valley.
Wuhan has many universities, so why does Optics Valley still spend so much effort to recruit talents from other places? According to the relevant person in charge of the Organization Department of East Lake High-tech Zone, Wuhan students have always been the main force of innovation and entrepreneurship in Optics Valley. In the first half of this year, Optics Valley has held 14 campus recruitments in 9 universities in Wuhan, including Huazhong University of Science and Technology and Wuhan University. Recruiting talents from other places will promote the diversification of the talent structure of Optics Valley and attract talents that are in short supply in Optics Valley.
It is reported that Optics Valley has formed two strategic emerging industry clusters, namely "optical core, screen, terminal and network" and life and health, and has great demand for young talents. Statistics show that since the second half of 2023, Optics Valley has provided a total of 98,000 jobs. Among them, the demand for jobs in the optoelectronic information industry accounts for 42%, the life and health industry accounts for 33%, and the digital economy industry accounts for 28%. "We go to well-known universities in Beijing and Shanghai, and can accurately recruit students of corresponding majors."
How can Optics Valley attract high-quality graduates from other places? The above-mentioned person in charge said that in previous years, when recruiting outside, talents from other places would be hesitant even when faced with attractive positions and competitive salaries because they lacked understanding of Optics Valley and its companies. "This 'immersive experience' will give talents a more intuitive feeling. At the same time, Optics Valley has formed a rich industrial ecology in advantageous industries such as optoelectronics information and life sciences, which can enable talents to flow more freely and have greater room for growth. These will form a stronger attraction for talents."
Since 2017, Optics Valley has attracted more than 600,000 college students to start businesses and find jobs. In the first half of this year, the GDP of Optics Valley grew by 10.2%, achieving a “high start and steady growth”.
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