
The heaviest rainfall since the beginning of the flood season, more than 100 mm in one day, there will still be thunderstorms this evening and tomorrow


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The first rain after the Beginning of Autumn arrived in Beijing, and the rain continued until early this morning.As of 2 a.m., the average precipitation in the city was 101.7 mm, and the average precipitation in the urban area was 101.5 mm, both reaching the level of heavy rain.
Looking back at this round of rainfall, although the affected weather system is different from that on July 30, both rains are characterized by long duration, high short-term rainfall intensity, and large local accumulated rainfall.
In terms of rainfall, the average rainfall in the urban area and the entire city exceeded 100 mm, reaching the level of heavy rain.Since the average rainfall in the whole city exceeded that on July 30, it became the heaviest rainfall so far this year, but the average rainfall in the urban area was slightly weaker than that on July 30. But overall, the two heavy rainstorms in late July and early August this year made the main flood season worthy of its name.
According to statistics, from 8:00 on August 9 to 2:00 on August 10, the average precipitation in the city was 101.7 mm, and the average precipitation in the urban area was 101.5 mm, both reaching the level of heavy rainstorms; a total of 563 meteorological stations in the city had rainfall exceeding 50 mm (rainstorm level), and 343 stations had rainfall exceeding 100 mm (heavy rainstorm level). The heaviest rainfall in the city occurred in Ximaguzhuang, Daxing, with a rainfall of 250.6 mm, which was a heavy rainstorm; the maximum hourly rainfall intensity was in Yujiawu, Tongzhou, with 107.8 mm in one hour (22:00 to 23:00 on the 9th).
In addition, the Nanjiao Observatory, which represents Beijing's weather, recorded a total rainfall of 117.7 mm, the second heavy rainstorm after the first heavy rainstorm of the year on July 30. From the 6-hour rainfall, Beijing almost took the top 10 places in the country from 17:00 to 23:00 yesterday.
According to the standard, a rainstorm in meteorology refers to a rainfall with a cumulative rainfall of 50 mm or more in 24 hours or a rainfall of 30 mm or more in 12 hours. From the standard point of view, the cumulative rainfall is a hard indicator, that is to say, whether it is a downpour or a drizzle, whether it can meet the rainstorm standard depends on the cumulative rainfall data. If the downpour lasts for a short time, it can only be said that the instantaneous rain intensity is large; but if the drizzle accumulates for a long time, it may also be a rainstorm. Therefore, whether it becomes a rainstorm or not, the cumulative rainfall is the key.
The reporter learned that a huge "comma" appeared in yesterday's satellite cloud map. The cloud system extends from Mongolia to Inner Mongolia, Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Sichuan and other places in my country. Such a huge cloud system corresponds to the weather system of high-altitude trough + low-vortex shear line + ground cyclone. With their "strong combination" and sufficient water vapor and energy conditions, it is bound to bring heavy rainfall.
Although the heavy rainfall has ended, the cold air at the bottom of the low vortex hasIt is expected that there will still be thunderstorms in Beijing around the evening of today and tomorrow. The temperature in Beijing will quickly rise to 33 ℃ today, and the weather will still be quite hot and humid.
It is important to remind you that you should not think that everything will be fine once the rainstorm stops. Many hazards often have a lag effect. Because in the few days after the rainstorm, floods and geological disasters are usually at high risk, so everyone should stay away from mountainous and water-related areas. When traveling in the city, you should strictly prevent the risk of waterlogging. If you find whirlpools or "fountains" on the road, you should go around them from a distance and be careful of deep pits such as sewers and sewage wells.