
An old man accidentally fell and was injured by the Yongding River. Mentougou Fire Department urgently transferred him


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Beijing News (Reporter Peng Jingtao) Beijing News reporter learned that at 11:00 on August 7, an elderly man accidentally fell and broke his leg by the Yongding River in Xiaweidian Village, Miaofengshan Town, Mentougou District, Beijing. After the 120 emergency personnel arrived at the scene, they were unable to transfer him and needed the assistance of the fire department. After receiving the dispatch from the 119 Command Center, the Longquan Fire Rescue Station quickly dispatched a vehicle with 7 people to the scene and transferred him on a stretcher.
Firefighters helped the old man onto a stretcher. Image source: Mentougou District Fire Rescue Brigade
After the firefighters arrived at the scene, they found that the old man's fractured bones had been fixed by medical staff and that he was in good spirits. The place where the old man fell was close to the river bank, with gravel all over the ground and uneven, and it was far from the ambulance. After understanding the situation at the scene, the firefighters decided to use a metal stretcher to transport the old man.
Before the transfer, the firefighters used the straps on the stretcher to secure the old man. After adjusting the position, four firefighters slowly lifted the stretcher for transfer. During the transfer, the firefighters kept asking the old man if he was uncomfortable and adjusted his posture in time to avoid secondary injuries. Finally, the firefighters successfully transferred the old man to the ambulance safely, handed him over to medical staff and returned.
Mentougou Fire Department reminds: Do not play near undeveloped waters without safety measures, and try not to stay on river banks prone to landslides and collapses; pay attention to warning signs on the riverside and do not enter dangerous areas.
Edited by Yang Hai, Proofread by Li Lijun