
"Mom, my painting is printed on the cover of the admission letter!"


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Huasheng Online News, August 8 (all-media reporter Jiang Shiyu, correspondents Shi Li, Wang Shilei, Shen Kexin, Guo Siyu) "Mom, my painting is printed on the cover of the admission letter!" Recently, when 6-year-old Tan Zichen from Changsha received the admission letter from Changsha Tianxin District Experimental Primary School, he was surprised to find that his painting "The Primary School in My Heart" was selected as the cover.
In the kindergarten-primary school transition activity held by Changsha Tianxin District Experimental Primary School this year, Tan Zichen, as a prospective freshman in the senior class of the kindergarten, used his brush to depict the primary school in his mind after visiting the school, and named it "The Primary School in My Heart". The young brush vividly presented the school gate, and the beautiful childlike innocence was vividly displayed on the paper.
This special painting was later discovered by the school principal Hu Ying. "Artworks are a silent language, and children's paintings can help us get into their inner world. So when I saw this work, I thought, why not use this painting full of children's interest as the cover of the school's admission letter?" Hu Ying said. So, after obtaining the consent of Tan Zichen's parents, the school printed the child's painting on the cover of the school's admission letter.
On the campus, the children holding their admission letters smiled happily. Everyone was reluctant to let go of this special gift. Among them, the happiest one was probably the young painter Tan Zichen himself!
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