
Nearly 900,000 people took online classes at the same time during peak hours! The popularity of the Citizens Art Night School hits a new high


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All 20 courses were fully booked within 6 seconds, and the fastest two courses were sold out within 3 seconds...At 10 a.m. on August 9, registration for the autumn class of Shanghai Citizens' Art Night School opened, and the popularity reached a new high - the number of people instantly grabbing courses online reached nearly 900,000; within 30 minutes, nearly 70% of the course places were taken up.
The Shanghai Citizens Art Night School, which offers art courses for people aged 18 to 55, has continued to expand its teaching sites, number of courses, and number of students since its establishment in 2016. This year's autumn class achieved full coverage of more than 220 streets and towns in the city for the first time. It uses the Municipal Art Center as the main school, and has established 37 branches and 367 teaching sites, a total of 405 sites. It plans to offer 1,125 courses and enroll 28,000 students. Compared with the spring class, the number of teaching sites increased by nearly 50%, the number of courses increased by 40%, and the number of students to be enrolled increased by 45%. However, such a large increase still ushered in a hot scene of rushing to take classes.
"What is the limit for the number of students in the street dance experience class?" "Do I need to buy my own materials for the makeup class?"... Early in the morning, the Municipal Art Center, which is the main school of the night school, received calls for consultation and registration. At 10 o'clock, the online registration platform was opened, and the background data was constantly updated and changed: in 3 seconds, the adult archery introductory class at the Pudong New Area Workers' Cultural Palace and the guqin class at the Municipal Art Center were full; in 4 seconds, the baking class at the Changning District Culture and Art Center, the billiard class at the Chinese Art Vocational Education Association Ballroom Dance Committee, and the Shanghai World Expo Museum's World Expo baking class were all taken; in 5 seconds, 11 courses including the zero-based handmade leather experience class at the Jing'an District Cultural Center were full...
The reporter noticed that among the 20 courses that were finished within 6 seconds, many were related to sports, such as adult archery introduction, street dance POPPING, fat burning fighting, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu experience, street dance experience class, etc. This is related to the national sports fever set off by the Paris Olympics. Among the ten major course categories, living arts, music, and dance ranked in the top three. Xu Hao, deputy director of the Municipal Art Center, observed the registration dynamics in real time and found that 80% of the first 20 courses that were snapped up were new courses. "This time we combined online and offline methods to conduct an in-depth survey of course needs. It is important to accurately match the course design with the needs of citizens."
"The peak number of students rushing for classes has increased from 730,000 in the spring class to nearly 900,000 in the current autumn class, which shows that everyone's demand is still increasing." Wu Penghong, director of the Municipal Art Museum, said that he will continue to promote the expansion of the citizen art night school and look forward to more institutions with space and teaching resources to join the night school family and work together to better meet the citizens' demand for quality life. Of course, the premise of all this is to do a good job of "quality control". The night school will improve the access mechanism, strengthen process management, and clarify the exit mechanism to ensure the professionalism and high quality of the institutions and courses that enter.
Author: Li Ting
Text: Li Ting Photos: Organizer Editor: Xu Yang Responsible Editor: Xing Xiaofang
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