
The Korean version of "Seki" and "Black Mirror", is this the level?


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If you see a small card outside, don’t pick it up!

Don’t even call the number above!

This man had his eyes stabbed blind just because he picked up a business card.

His fiancée cheated on him and fell off a cliff, becoming disabled.

Xiaobai is 34 years old this year and graduated from an ordinary university.

Now he is an agent of a private enterprise, holding a position that is neither high nor low.

andHis 29-year-old fiancée Xiaomei, just joined a state-owned enterprise.

Suitable age, stable job, and good looks.

In the marriage market, she is much more popular than Xiaobai.

When talking about dowry and betrothal gifts, Xiaomei made a request that made Xiaobai embarrassed.

Ask Xiaobai's father to sell the house in the countryside.

Converted into a down payment for a new house in a high-end community.

When it comes to the specific wedding date, she will avoid the question.

But before finding a job, she was obviously more anxious to get the certificate.

The key point is that he proposed to exchange martial arts skills by playing chess, but was rejected by Xiaomei.

All these abnormal phenomena made Xiaobai feel a sense of crisis.

To do this, he called the number on the small card he picked up.

It is not a special practitioner that is contacted, but a love manager.

The job of a love manager is to eliminate hidden dangers in a relationship and equalize the scores of both parties.

If you can't raise your own rating, try to lower the other person's.

Xiaobai followed the manager's instructions and installed the monitoring software on Xiaomei's mobile phone.

The chat screenshots he retrieved made him feel cold:

It turns out that Xiaomei owns the entire forest and doesn't have to hang herself on just one tree.

After get off work that day, Xiaobai went to pick up Xiaomei for the first time.

But he happened to run into Xiaomei, chatting and laughing with a rich second-generation overseas Chinese.

* “Friend” instead of “boyfriend”

Xiaomei and Xiaobai had a big fight and started a cold war

Instead, he became closer and closer to that rich second-generation colleague.

Even went to a hotel to practice martial arts...

Xiaobai regretted it - I actually wanted to marry a woman like this!

Xiaomei also hesitated - she complained every time marriage was mentioned, maybe Xiaobai was not a good man?

So the next day when the rich second generation suggested going hiking, she went with him without hesitation.

Climbing to the edge of the cliff, Xiaomei took the opportunity to test the other party's feelings.

Of course it worked.

In order to celebrate their "happy marriage", the rich second generation suggested taking a photo together on the edge of the cliff.

I'm sure everyone has guessed the result.

As she turned around, her feet slipped and Xiaomei fell towards the cliff!

Although the rich second generation grabbed her hand in time, he still couldn't pull her up.

But is it really that simple?

The rich second generation's panic instantly turned into ridicule: "Oh, I'm sweating~"

The so-called "encounters with rich second-generations" are all traps set by love managers to narrow the gap between Xiaomei and Xiaobai.

Although she survived, Xiaomei suffered a broken tibia and will never be able to walk again.

He was fired by the company for not attending enough days.

Her rating in the marriage market dropped far below Xiaobai's.

"I'm not serious with him, please forgive me, Oppa~"

When Xiaomei was at her most vulnerable, Xiaobai showed sympathy and concern.

The most important thing is that I forgave her for cheating.

Xiaomei had no idea where her suffering came from, and was still thanking Xiaobai for his magnanimity.

But Xiaobai never appeared in her ward again.

Because he got promoted, he hooked up with a female colleague who had bad intentions.

While Xiaomei was crying bitterly, he was making love with his colleague.

Unexpectedly, a colleague suddenly picked up a ballpoint pen and blinded his eyes!

Let’s go back a few days.

Desperate Xiaomei found a business card on the hospital bed.

Yes, it is the card of the love manager.

It turns out that the colleague who threw himself into Xiaobai's arms was also an actor sent by the manager.

Now, one of them is blind and the other is lame.

After going around in circles, we are back to the same level.

As for their future life... I just hope they are locked up and don't come out to harm others.

The above story comes from the latest Korean drama:


Four episodes have been updated so far, and each episode uses a tarot card as the core of the story.

For example, in the story above,The tarot card represented is the Hermit.

The upright position represents wisdom and wisdom.

It mainly refers to love managers who play with human nature in the palm of their hands.

The reversed Hermit represents greed and stupidity.

It refers to Xiaobai and Xiaomei, who are not satisfied after achieving their goals and want to pursue more.

In addition to satirizing human nature, the endings of some unit stories are also very sad.

Azhen, a single mother raising a child, and found a job a few days before Christmas.

She was accepted by a supermarket and became a cashier.

In order to perform well in front of her manager, she worked hard at her post on Christmas Day.

But her mother was too busy to help take care of the children, and she couldn't bring herself to ask her ex-husband for help.

I can only prepare the meal in advance and leave my daughter alone at homestayone day.

Unexpectedly, a "Santa Claus" dressed in black and with a black beard broke into the house through the window.

Give your daughter a weird doll and play a dress-up game with her.

"Santa Claus" even took her daughter's mobile phone and video chatted with Azhen.

This is clearly a burglary!

Ah Zhen rushed home, but her daughter was nowhere to be seen.

There was only a painting and a broken doll in the closet.

*Was taken away by a "Santa Claus" with devil horns.

You thought this was a child abduction case? Here comes the twist!

It turns out that Xiaomei was kidnapped on Christmas several years ago and may even have died.

Ah Zhen was unwilling to accept the cruel reality and began to have hallucinations in her brain.

Create a beautiful dream that your daughter is still alive and living with you.

Why didn't Zhen's mother come to take care of the child? Why did her ex-husband ignore her cries for help?

Because they all knew that Ah Zhen was sick again.

This episode's Tarot card is "Wheel of Fortune"——Represents luck and opportunity.

Azhen was lucky to get a job opportunity and she must seize it.

Its reversed position represents loss and misfortune, referring to Zhen's loss of her daughter.

After reading the two stories above, you may have already had the idea of ​​chasing the drama.

Don’t be impatient, this drama focuses on the mixed quality of people.

A short film with self-consistent logic and profound satire on human nature.

There are also some inexplicable unit sets that sacrifice the basic logic of the story purely for the sake of curiosity.

For example, episode 3.

The protagonist is Xiao Wang, the ace delivery man, dreams of becoming his own boss and opening a food delivery company.

These days, he has been receiving orders from the same customer, Fatty.

The fat girl brought water and food, gave extra tips, and even seduced Xiao Wang.

*Remember this phrase "a man of few words"

Obviously she's taken a fancy to him.

Xiao Wang avoided it and deliberately did not deliver orders to this area.

Unexpectedly, the fat girl complained about him for sexual harassment, causing the food delivery company to stop giving him orders.

With no other options, Xiao Wang had to resume delivering meals and also helped the fat girl run errands and take out the trash.

What was in the garbage bag was a piece of bloody pork belly with skin.

Xiao Wang secretly brought a piece back for testing, and it turned out to be human flesh!

I plucked up the courage to go again to verify my guess.

The door was not locked and opened easily.

There came a pungent smell of blood and an indescribable stench from inside.

Plastic bags of all sizes, filled with human flesh!

But the fat girl was missing, and instead there was a "bandage man" covered in blood.

It turns out that all the meat that Xiao Wang threw away these days belonged to Fatty!

*The picture is so disgusting, I'll show you the blurriest picture

The fat girl thought that Xiao Wang disliked her fatness, so he cut off all the meat...

Don't ask how she managed to survive the infection and blood loss and survive until now;

Don’t even ask how she managed to endure the pain and not go into shock;

Don't ask why there was a trap in her house that just happened to catch Xiao Wang.

In short, Xiao Wang had his mouth sewn shut and was tied up with iron chains.

Became the fat girl's "dog".

To be honest, this episode is quite curious, but only curious.

If you discover a murder, why don't you call the police, but instead bring it upon yourself?

Why did they dare to enter the crime scene and even close the door?

Faced with a woman who shaved herself into a skeleton, why not resist?

It's just one of your legs that's been pinched, not your brain!

In short, it is just for curiosity, it is illogical and unreasonable.

*A quiet boyfriend

Corresponding Tarot High Priestess, representing knowledge and wisdom.

It means that Xiao Wang has strong business ability and loves learning.

If it weren't for this incident, I would definitely be able to start my own company.

Reversed, it represents rudeness and cruelty.

Xiao Wang's attitude towards Fatty was indeed a bit rude, and the ending was also cruel.

Since it is a Korean drama, the traditional art of "fighting chaebols" and shallow thinking about class are definitely indispensable.

The fourth story is about class differentiation.

The pain of living in a “rental area”, one day he accidentally rescued a rich girl who lived in a high-end community.

Through this "life-saving grace", two families from very different social classes came into contact.

Xiao Ku's mother, Ku Ma, was able to attend various gatherings of wealthy ladies.

The "decency" of the upper class is limited, but their disgust for the lower class is unlimited.

*Associating with low-class people is called "eating junk food."

The other party finally broke off relations and used the most vicious words to force my mother to leave.

I thought this was a story about class struggle, but I didn't expect there would be a twist!

The reversal also lies in the class.

Under certain circumstances, the lower classes can also control the upper classes.

It turns out that the little suffering that seems harmless to humans and animals is the mastermind behind everything.

She deliberately released wild dogs to bite people in the wealthy area, and then pretended to be a brave person.

Taking advantage of the upper class's obsession with face, use the gratitude for saving their lives as a bond.

Tie your mother, the poor aunts and the rich ladies together and join the upper class.

In the end, Aunt Ku pushed the three rich ladies off the balcony and they fell to their death...

Then, with the help of Xiao Ku, look for the next prey.

The tarot card for this story is the Star.

The upright position represents hope and yearning, probably referring to the class transition of the lower class people and the poor mother finding a "friend".

The reversed position of the star represents disappointment and disillusionment.

Corresponding to the destruction of false friendship, the hope of transition is extinguished.

There is also a branch story that tells the story of Xiao Ku being a playmate of a rich family's daughter, and being bullied and insulted in every way.

Finally, he couldn't bear it anymore and killed him.

I just want to ask the screenwriter, if you want to talk about class struggle, what is the meaning of this line?

It would be better to delete Xiao Ku and the inexplicable reversal at the end.

It focuses on telling the story of a lower-class person who fails to break into the upper-class circle and finally loses his temper and turns black.

At first I wondered:

Both mother and daughter killed someone, how could they still get away with it?

Even showing up in high-end residential areas in a swagger, continuing to look for prey?

After watching four episodes, I finally understand.

There are no police in this drama's worldview.

In any episode, if anyone thinks of calling the police, the show will last less than 5 minutes!

All in all, compared with "Wonderful Stories of the World" and "Secret of Number Nine", this "Tarot" lacks overall depth.

It touched upon many hot social issues:

What about gender relations, class differentiation, underage education, psychological trauma, and the safety of food delivery drivers...

But it was just a brief touch, used as a packaging bag for a boring story.

In terms of imagination, it doesn't give people a bright feeling.

Whether it is illusion reversal, urban killer, or upper class stereotypes.

You can find a sense of déjà vu in other dramas.

The key is that the director did not grasp the focus of this type of short play.

The length is very limited, so the character creation should be weakened and the emphasis should be on bizarre settings.

* Airplane surgery with the entire cast

The emphasis is on telling the story clearly, arousing the audience's emotions and triggering their thinking.

As for the characters, they are the "human form" of certain phenomena or characteristics, and are tools to guide the plot.

In contrast, "Tarot" focuses on characters and weakens the logic of the plot.

If you want to catch up on some dramas, I suggest you pick and choose.

Choose a few episodes that are relatively highly discussed on major platforms, and ignore the rest.

That’s all for today, see you tomorrow!

Bye bye~

The pictures in this article are from the Internet

Editor: Dali