
"If I were the one who loved you the most in the world" released a special edition, "self-selected family" huddled together for warmth


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Beijing News (Reporter Teng Chao) On August 9, the movie "If I were the one who loves you the most in this world" released a special edition of "Self-selected Family". The "slightly tempered" Fu Jiayi (played by Tong Liya), the "simple and kind" Fu Manduo (played by Huang Minghao) and the "spiritual" Fu Diudiu (played by Luo Sansui) formed a family of three abandoned people to keep each other warm. They have no blood relationship but their love is thicker than water, and they have become an indispensable part of each other's lives. Tong Liya said that it was a kind power from the heart that drove the "self-selected family" to come together to save each other. Tong Liya and Huang Minghao had known each other for a long time, so the two quickly integrated into the role, showing a high degree of tacit understanding in and out of the play, and interpreting the touching emotions of a pair of siblings who support each other. Even if they are not connected by flesh and blood, their hearts can still depend on each other.

Tong Liya said that it was the power of kindness from the heart that drove the "self-chosen family" to come together and save each other.

The film is directed by Liu Fendou, starring Tong Liya, Huang Minghao, Li Zongheng, Liu Dan, Luo Sansui, with Zeng Mengxue making a special appearance. Zhang Miao serves as the producer, general producer and general distributor, and it will be released on August 23.

Editor Wu Longzhen

Proofread by Chen Diyan