
"Reverse Life": The light of every ordinary person can illuminate us.


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On the way home after watching "Reverse Life", the car happened to pass the roundabout that Gao Zhilei passed by several times in the movie, and the scenes in the movie came to my mind again.

I saw the trailer for "Backdraft" a long time ago. The short paragraph about "smiling" service was very vivid, just like this poster.

After watching the movie, I looked at these smiling faces again, and my feelings became much more complicated.

I don't feel false or pretentious."Laughing" reminded me of the scene in the movie when Gao Zhilei was facing the smile assessment on the platform. He tried hard to laugh, adjusting the muscles on his face again and again, but he just couldn't succeed. Outside the screen, I subconsciously followed his mouth twitching, and I felt very uncomfortable.

It is not easy to laugh heartily from the heart like Lao Zhang.

Thank you to every deliveryman for your hard work.Thank you to everyone who works hard and never gives up.

"Reverse Life" is very "good to see". From the simple viewing experience, it tells the story very smoothly and popularly, with ups and downs, laughter and tears, which makes people nervous and exciting. It also supplements us with rich and vivid professional "knowledge" about the takeaway industry.

"Reverse Life" is also very "depressing", with a high-intensity, fast-paced life.Everyone is working hard to run the society.Just a few minutes after the movie started, the moment Gao Zhilei set out on his way to work, we were involuntarily aroused and our expressions became more serious while watching the movie.

Such a serious expression will appear again and again as the story progresses, as the delivery man rushes to deliver food on time.The camera was lowered to follow the fast-moving electric wheels from time to time.A vague sense of uneasiness hovers in our hearts, and we are afraid that danger may come at any time.

The pressure of life radiates fairly in every profession.

We deal with deliverymen every day, but we never think about how they are involved in our lives.The film fully and completely presents the process of a new rider integrating into the industry.

Configure equipment, familiarize yourself with the roads, understand the rules of picking up food at different stores, establish relationships with merchants and security guards, plan delivery routes, understand the system algorithms, and strive to maximize efficiency and rights.The situations they go through are far more complicated than we imagine.

The "single king" Dahei in the movie is called by Yang Dashan“Born to be a delivery man”This lovely description made me laugh, but I immediately thought it was a compliment. We have heard too many "born XX", and according to the inertia of thinking, the latter should be a more decent and technical word.

It has always been said that there is no distinction between high and low occupations, but it is difficult for most people to adjust their mindsets appropriately. The perspective and attitude of the film are very valuable.It really doesn't look down on others, nor does it have a sense of superiority or elitism.

Gao Zhilei's fall, shattering, endurance and reconstruction,The deliverymen experienced all kinds of reluctance and humiliation, frustration and hardship, danger and cruelty, struggle and bitterness.It was too bloody. After seeing it with one's own eyes, no one could look down on it with a superior attitude, watch it indifferently, or criticize it blindly.

We can truly see the real life of the deliverymen in the movie, see the positions and perspectives that are ignored in daily life, and see the reasons that can be understood and forgiven behind overdue orders and wrong orders.See the living people under the yellow and blue clothes, their upward and burning hearts.

It is also biased to say that poor people pay to watch rich people play poor people.We should not use flat thinking to presuppose opposition.The movie does not intend to endorse anyone, consume anyone, or exploit anyone. It only wants to see and respect, praise and encourage.

Lao Kou, Dahei, Yang Dashan, Qiu Xiaomin, and Lao Zhang all have their own difficulties, but a bad situation does not mean a weak character.They are also relying on their own subjective initiative to strive for a better tomorrow.There is also happiness, warmth and hope in their daily lives.Just like all ordinary people.

Life is fluid.No one's life is set in stone.Can’t perceive the spectrum of happiness;No one lives in a vacuum.If you believe that fate is only divided into poverty and wealth, you will give up your right to fight seriously and be depressed to the end.

We are all working hard in our respective positions.I want to improve the current situation, live a better life, be responsible for myself, and work hard for my family.

The ending of the movie is open-ended, without any forced closure. The real relief lies in the ending video, which places the value on the greatest common divisor of emotions and on "living" itself, which is very touching and effective.

That is a spirit and mentality that we can all understand and empathize with.It is the energy that encourages us to keep fighting.

Gao Zhilei's life may be an artistic creation, but you and I know that the life of ordinary people is a series of hurdles and steps. On the way forward, you may slide down, turn around, turn forward, and in serious cases, go against the flow.

When retrograde occurs, tell yourself like in the movies:You have worked very hard.

More importantly,Even if you are going against the flow, don't be discouraged or indulge.Believe that there are still shining people in life.Just like the rough but touching scenes when "Flowers" was sung,The light of every ordinary person can illuminate us.

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