
This summer, he is still the most popular


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Xu Zheng's return may have given this year's summer season a shot in the arm.

Looking back over the past decade, Douban has reached9 pointsThere is only one domestic film, and that is "Dying to Survive".

This time, Xu Zheng brought another realistic work.

Focus on a group that is both familiar and unfamiliar to us: deliverymen.

Some people jokingly said that this time it could be called "I'm Not a Single King".

However, this is not just a story about a delivery man, but a portrayal of every ordinary person who is struggling to move forward amidst the difficulties in life.

It is not easy to tell such a story well, as it will inevitably give people the suspicion of exploiting suffering.

But after watching it, all my doubts disappeared.

"Reverse Life"

Being laid off in middle age is the sword of Damocles hanging over the head of every worker.

But few films directly address this social dilemma.

"Reverse Life" is timely, telling the story of a middle-aged unemployed man who counterattacks and becomes the "order king" of takeout.

The filmBurnagainCool,fullHot Blood, but also countless sadTear Point

FormerGao Zhilei(played by Xu Zheng) is a senior algorithm engineer in a large factory, with more than a dozen subordinates.

A typical urban worker.

On the surface, they are elites, but in reality, they are social animals.

Working overtime and staying up late on the subway has led to diabetes, but he can't find any time to go to the gym and can only rely on insulin to "stay alive."

As a backbone of the company, he never expected that his ending would be optimized by the company because he could not outsmart his colleagues.

What’s even more ironic is that the performance appraisal and survival of the fittest algorithm was written by me.

When he re-entered the job market, he encountered endless age discrimination.

“How can we pay him at this age?”

“Should I hire employees or provide for the elderly?”

To make matters worse, the subsequent money-burning incidents made him feel even more stressed.

My father suddenly fell ill and was admitted to the ICU, and most of the imported medicines were paid for by myself;

The children finally got into an international school and had to pay high tuition fees;

The worst thing is the high monthly mortgage, which makes him regret why he took out a loan to buy a big house.

Parents, children, and house, these three mountains weighed down Gao Zhilei's heart.

The career path of a programmer was almost blocked, so he had no choice but to find another way.

By chance, he discovered that delivering food was a good option.

As long as you are willing to work hard, you can cope with current family expenses.

In order to make the film present a real and rough texture, "Reverse Life" visited takeaway stations in 16 districts and counties, conducted in-depth interviews with many real people, and incorporated their stories into the creation of the film.

In addition, the filming location was specially chosen to be next to a real takeaway station.

The entire crew conducted 24-hour immersive observation to gain an in-depth understanding of the deliverymen’s real life and working conditions.

In order to present a more realistic performance, many actors actually started delivering takeout.

When Xu Zheng went to deliver the takeaway, no one recognized him.

Because most of the time, when people get takeout, they don’t look at the delivery man’s face, they just take the food box.

Judging from the final film, they really achieved the word "real" and hit the various pain points of the food delivery industry.

For example, the timeout problem.

New drivers often encounter bumps and bumps on the road and are unfamiliar with the road conditions, so timeouts are common. But timeouts mean downgrades, and the system will assign you orders that are farther and more difficult to deliver. In addition, the timeouts caused by users will ultimately be borne by the deliverymen.

Also, customer conflicts.

When the takeaway is delivered to your door, the customer asks you to throw away the garbage. This is beyond your job scope. If you do, it would be a loss of dignity; if you don’t, you will inevitably get bad reviews.

For example, the Smiley Face Project.

The platform requires deliverymen to upload real-time smiling selfies at regular intervals in order to improve service quality, but it consumes deliverymen's delivery time.

BusyThey were burdened with heavy feelings, but had to put on a smile.

At the end of the month, he was exhausted, but did not earn much, and a lot of his salary was deducted due to bad reviews.

In addition to physical fatigue, the dislocation of identity also caught him off guard.

Although Gao Zhilei took off Kong Yiji's gown, he still thought he was a social elite, but in fact he became Camel Xiangzi.

The platform assigned him a takeaway order, which was delivered to his previous company. He was hesitant: should he go or not? Should he meet the person or not?

We are delivery people, not sellers!"A colleague's joke dispelled his doubts.

Everyone who switches tracks needs a process to accept that they are no longerBy car", but"The one pulling the cart".

Only by understanding and accepting your new identity can you shoulder your responsibilities and win respect.

How this novice breaks through numerous obstacles, keeps upgrading, and becomes the single king seems to have become an exciting large-scale breakthrough competition...

"Reverse Life" is not only the struggle story of Gao Zhilei himself, but also a professional portrait of a group of people working together.

When he first entered the food delivery industry, he met a group of like-minded "knights".

They have distinct personalities and form a three-dimensional, diverse, and flesh-and-blood version of the deliverymen.

The cast is full of talented people, worthy of being"Xu Zheng's Selection"

Dahei (played by Feng Bing) is a ruthless man who doesn't talk much. He has mastered the secrets of exclusive takeaway routes and has always been ranked first on the site's rankings. He is a true king of internal competition.

Lao Kou (played by Wang Xiao), as his name suggests, is a stingy person. He owns a car that was new for three years, old for three years, and patched up for another three years. He is reluctant to eat good food, but likes to play lottery and dreams of winning the lottery.

Stationmaster Zhu (played by Jia Bing) is a natural manager, and he turned the rankings on the site into a promotion list like King of Glory.

Dashan (played by Wu Jiakai) who is pursuing love is a hardworking young man. He delivers takeout and does live broadcasts at the same time, just to save enough money to marry a wife as soon as possible.

The female delivery person Qiu Xiaomin (played by Liu Meihan) is a woman, but she is just as good as men in delivering orders and is a hard-working woman in the station.

On the surface, they all seem to be working very hard, but their reasons for working so hard are different.

Everyone is carrying a heavy burden.

It could be that young mothers have to juggle the dual tasks of working and raising children, or that their children with leukemia are in urgent need of medical expenses, or that they are trying to make up for some little-known accidents and mistakes.

What they manifestChivalry, not only about takeaway, but also a"Runattitude towards life.

Although life is full of disappointments, there will be a way if you walk, and there will be wind if you run.

Precisely because they have experienced wind and rain, they want to protect others from the wind and rain.

At first, Gao Zhilei was a burden on the site rankings.

He doesn't know how to take shortcuts, doesn't know how to build good relationships with restaurant owners, and doesn't know how to communicate with customers in a positive way, so he always gets half the result with twice the effort.

However, with everyone's help, I managed to bring this last-place ranking to the top of the list.

Perhaps in times of adversity, people can more deeply appreciate the warmth and true feelings of the world.

A person is inevitably weak and unable to cope with difficulties, but a group of people can support each other and keep each other warm.

Gao Zhilei is also giving back to this warm collective.

Once, he saw Lao Kou got into a car accident while rushing to deliver a takeaway, so he helped deliver Lao Kou's order without saying a word.

Another time, he saw Qiu Xiaomin and her daughter hiding from the rain on the side of the road, and immediately took off his raincoat and gave it to them, but he himself fell asleep on the side of the road due to the cold.

The warmth between people is often reflected in these subtle details.

Later, Gao Zhilei used his experience as a programmer to create the "Lulutong" software to help everyone gain breathing space in the fierce competition of speeding up and lowering prices.

Faced with limited social resources, we are accustomed to watching the scramble, fight, and struggle of trapped beasts.

However, there can also be a lot of caring and sympathy for each other.

Let everyone not become a lonely and cold screw in the process of modernization.

The key words of "Retrograde Life" are indispensablefamily"Two characters

This is not only a story about a delivery man, but also a story focusing on all people who are working hard to make a living, including those who have experienced layoffs and unemployment, those who are burdened with mortgages, and those who have elderly parents and young children to support.

In the darkest hour, how can we regain hope?

In the film, after Gao Zhilei was laid off, he was too embarrassed to tell his family about his unemployment, so he pretended to go to work every day. When his father accidentally found out, he still insisted that he had resigned voluntarily and was poached by a big company.

It was not until his wife knew the truth that he gradually took off his strong disguise and revealed his truest and most vulnerable side.

He was once a family memberLittle Pride"Now, he has become a member of society"Scraps".

Even as a delivery man, he couldn't avoid blaming himself.

In this process, there is not only economic pressure, but also psychological trauma.

Only with the understanding and support of family can one get out of the trough of life.

However,The emotion conveyed by the movie is not to praise suffering, but to face life with strength.

There are laughter and tears, presenting the most ordinary yet most touching moments.

Gao Zhilei saw the light of life and bought a cake to go home, but it fell to the ground. However, the couple still happily ate the broken cake.

My daughter said that her father has worked hard enough and it doesn’t matter if she doesn’t go to an international school. Even if she can’t be classmates with her childhood friend, they can still play together on weekends.

In order to save the hospitalization fee for rehabilitation, my father insisted on recuperating at home and working hard to recover;

The mother also wanted to lend a helping hand and reopen the store to reduce the burden on her son and daughter-in-law.

Sometimes, we feel that family is an unbearable burden in life, and too many responsibilities and demands make us suffocated.

But in fact,Only family can weave a safety net for us, so that we will not be left alone and shattered when we fall from a high altitude.

If life pushes us to the bottom, our family will always lift us up with their unconditional love.

"Reverse Life" is about a contemporary subject that is related to each of us.

In this unpredictable era, anyone can go astray.

Going against the flow is not scary. What is scary is giving up on yourself and giving up hope.

As long as you start running in the opposite direction, you will find many people walking side by side with you.

It doesn't matter what destination you reach, what matters is the scenery along the way and the companionship you have with each other.

May everyone who works hard be seen and respected.

The full text is over.