
On the one hand, they say they can't stand the Shanghainese dialect, but on the other hand, they try their best to squeeze into Shanghai. Once here, they don't want to leave.


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I often hear some strange stories about Shanghainese. Although I am too lazy to pay attention to them, I feel really upset.

Some people say that Shanghainese is unpleasant to listen to. I feel sick and dizzy when I hear it. I am very uncomfortable. I wonder why Shanghainese is unpleasant to listen to? Shanghainese is the language passed down from our ancestors. It contains our culture, our emotions, and our lives.

Take my childhood for example. There was no Mandarin in daily life. Even when other children played together, they didn’t speak Mandarin at all.

Besides, those outsiders who have adverse reactions to Shanghainese, since they know they are in Shanghai, why can't they be mentally prepared? Shanghainese is the most normal dialect in Shanghai.

Shanghainese is unpleasant to listen to, so I am determined not to go to Shanghai. There are also many foreigners who can't stand Shanghainese, but at the same time they try their best to squeeze into Shanghai, and don't want to leave after coming here. I want to ask, why is this? Shanghai is a charming city with many opportunities, money and development, which everyone knows. But since you have chosen to stay here, shouldn't you also be more respectful and tolerant of the local culture, including the language?