
Volume reduction! Switch again? A-shares, the market will have bigger moves in the afternoon


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Today's A-share market is very simple, with the rise of electricity and coal supporting the index, while other stocks fell back. The performance of Hong Kong stocks was acceptable, but it also rose and fell back, and the trading volume was greatly reduced. There was only a structural market and industry rotation.

The market has a new hot spot, communication equipment and other stocks rebounded, yesterday's rise has been adjusted, photovoltaics, education and other stocks are one-day trips. It is a very normal market situation. The current market situation is that you cannot chase the rise, because without trading volume, there is no sustainability.

Shrinking! Switching again?

The volume has shrunk by about 40 billion, and stocks have risen and fallen. Most people are emotional again. The A-share market at this position is repeatedly shaking the warehouse, and it can rise at any time. When it will rise, the gods know it. The sudden entry of foreign capital, institutions, Huijin and other funds will be a big positive line.

What is the key? No one knows when they will enter the market, the trading volume is too small, and the technology and experience are invalid. This kind of market is easy to be intervened by funds, and even the trend can only be determined by funds.

Photovoltaic and education have been adjusted. There are endless hot spots to chase and endless meat to cut. At present, it is a stock game. Many of them are not sustainable, and there is no chance for the good to land.