
A-shares, analysis of the market trend on Thursday (August 8)


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The biggest feature of today's A-shares is the shrinking volume. At 2,800 points, everyone is pessimistic. As long as it goes up, the trading volume will increase, and as long as it goes down, the trading volume will shrink.

This is human nature. Newbies like to buy when prices rise, and only experienced investors like to buy when prices fall. After prices rise, we sell to newbies. To put it bluntly, no one has the ability to earn money from the main investors, but only the capital of newbies.This is a hidden paid article. It will not affect your reading experience. Friends who are not in the circle can click to exit.

Shrinking volume to clean up the market?

The trading volume has shrunk to less than 600 billion. The rhythm of the afternoon's pull-up was very good, but there was no increase in volume, and it fell back after rising! The bottoming market is very torturous, there are many daily limit boards, and the speculative sentiment is still very active.

With more than 10 billion yuan of funds flowing south, Hong Kong stocks are obviously cost-effective again. There is nothing wrong with the market. It is almost time for performance disclosure, and the mid-year report market has begun.

Liquor and finance can pull up the market index at any time, and photovoltaics also recovered in the afternoon, but semiconductors have adjusted again. We still need to wait for semiconductors to recover, and medical care has also adjusted.