
A cableway in a scenic spot in Henan Province was suspended and stranded in mid-air. The scenic spot said: Thunder and lightning triggered the safety device.


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Beijing News (Reporter Zuo Lin) Recently, netizens posted a video saying that a cableway in a scenic spot in Nanyang, Henan Province suddenly stopped operating in mid-air, and a tourist shouted "I regret it, I want to go home". On August 6, Beijing News reporters verified that the incident occurred at the Laojieling Scenic Area. A staff member of the scenic area said that the incident occurred at around 4 pm on August 4. There was thunder and lightning that day, which triggered the cableway's lightning warning safety device. The cableway was restarted after being suspended for more than 10 minutes.

A tourist told the Beijing News that on the afternoon of August 4, there was a heavy rain in the scenic area with lightning and thunder. When she was waiting to take the cable car down the mountain, the cable car suddenly stopped operating. After that, under the guidance of the staff, she and other tourists walked down the mountain.

A staff member of the scenic spot said that at the time of the incident, both cableways had automatically activated their lightning warning safety devices, and there was no malfunction. "(The cableway) installed safety devices for the safety of tourists." The above staff member said that about ten minutes later, the staff restarted the cableway and the operation of the cableway returned to normal. "The staff guided the tourists who came down from the (mountain) cableway to walk down the mountain. It took about 40 minutes from receiving the suspension news to evacuating the tourists. There were no casualties."

Public information shows that the Laojieling Scenic Area is located in Xixia County, Nanyang City, Henan Province. It is a national 5A-level tourist attraction and a national nature reserve.

Editor Peng Chong Proofreader Li Lijun