
A young British man came to Wuhan to cross the Yangtze River five times, hoping to win a medal this year


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Jimu News reporter Lin Chuhan

Correspondents Zhang Li and Hu Jingjing

Interns Wu Yangxuan Zhao Jiayi Tan Jinlong

British athlete Chloe Hopkinson, Ashley Hogg and Ashley Hogg's mother (from left to right) together

"Come on, Wuhan!" Facing the camera, the two British players shouted to cheer for their own competition tomorrow. On August 7, some players who came to Wuhan to participate in the July 16 Crossing the River Festival came to the Miaojia Wharf in Hankou and boarded the ship to inspect the competition route. On that day, the blond and blue-eyed British players Ashley Hogg and Chloe Hopkinson attracted everyone's attention, and many people came forward to take photos with them.

On August 5, two British athletes who will participate in this year's Wuhan River Crossing Festival arrived in Wuhan by plane from Manchester. Male athlete Ashley Hogg has participated in the Wuhan River Crossing Festival four times, and female athlete Chloe Hopkinson is visiting China for the first time.

Ashley Hogg participated in the Wuhan River Crossing Festival in 2017, 2018, and 2019, and won third place in the Wuhan Water Marathon in 2018. In 2023, he participated in the Wuhan River Crossing Festival for the fourth time and successfully completed the race.

Because this is the fifth time that Ashley Hogg has come to Wuhan to participate in the Crossing the River Festival, he said that he is very happy to come to Wuhan again. Wuhan is still as beautiful as he remembered. He is very happy to meet many world-class open water swimmers here. It is an exciting thing every time to reunite with athletes from all over the world.

Ashley Hogg has participated in many open water swimming competitions around the world over the years, but he thinks the competition in the Yangtze River is the most special. "The competition in Wuhan is the most special. The current in the Yangtze River is very fast, which is a challenge to both physical fitness and psychology," he said. "After coming here this time, I heard that the current in the Yangtze River is faster than in previous years, which requires me to work harder. In the past year, I have been training in the UK. There should be no problem with physical fitness this time, and the main thing is to adjust psychologically. I need to stay confident and believe in my ability in the water. Of course, I may adjust my competition strategy."

"No city treats the Yangtze River Swimming Race as a festival like Wuhan does. Compared with open natural water races in the UK and other places, the Yangtze River has faster currents and higher water temperatures. It will also be a good opportunity to improve skills. I hope to get a ranking and a medal tomorrow," Ashley Hogg happily told reporters.

When he came to Wuhan in 2023, Ashley Hogg was still a doctoral student at the University of Manchester. Today, he has successfully obtained a doctorate in chemistry. He told reporters that during this year, he has been balancing training and studies and has had a hard time. "The last few times, I visited some attractions in Wuhan. This time, in addition to the competition, I will also take time to continue exploring Wuhan." And under his leadership, this year, he also brought a team member to participate in the Crossing the River Festival. "Yesterday, we went to Qingchuan Pavilion together. After the game, we plan to experience the Optics Valley Skyrail and visit some attractions together. I believe this is a brand new experience."

Ashley Hogg's teammate is also from the UK, named Chloe Hopkinson. Born in 2005, she came to China for the first time. Currently, she is a student at Manchester Metropolitan University, studying for a bachelor's degree in physiotherapy. She started swimming at a young age and participated in a series of local competitions. In 2022, she qualified for the British Swimming Championships for the first time in the 400m individual medley and 200m breaststroke, and won the silver medal in the 200m breaststroke.

After entering university, Chloe Hopkinson began to specialize in long-distance swimming and open water swimming. Not long ago, she won the second place in the Northwest Open Water Swimming Championships in the UK and qualified for the National Open Water Swimming Championships.

She said: "This is my first time in China. I looked up some information online before. I know there is the famous Yellow Crane Tower in Wuhan, and I will definitely go there if I have the chance. I also plan to visit the museum. In short, I am very much looking forward to tasting Wuhan's delicacies and appreciating its beautiful scenery."

When asked by reporters whether she had ever tasted hot dry noodles, she said excitedly, "Not yet, but I plan to try it after the game tomorrow. I like noodles."

Chloe Hopkinson said: "I have participated in some open water swimming competitions in the UK, and the water temperature was relatively low. So, I hope to train and compete in warmer waters. On the way back, Ashley Hogg told me a lot about the Wuhan River Crossing Festival and the Yangtze River. He has four experiences of crossing the river, which I think is very helpful to me. I have never swam in such a fast current like the Yangtze River, and this time will be a challenge for me."

Chloe Hopkinson finally said that Wuhan and Manchester have been friendly cities for many years. Many people in Manchester know Wuhan and the Wuhan Crossing the River Festival. In her heart, Wuhan is a very special place. She said that she would like to visit Shanghai, Guangzhou, Xi'an and other cities if she has the opportunity in the future. "My family and friends know that I am coming to Wuhan to compete, and they are very concerned. At the same time, they also sent their blessings and wished me good luck in the competition."

(Source: Jimu News)

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