
Philippines unemployment rate drops to lowest level so far this year in June


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China News Service, Manila, August 7 (Reporter Zhang Xinglong) The data released by the Philippine National Statistics Bureau on the 7th showed that the country's unemployment rate in June fell by 1 percentage point from the previous month to 3.1%, the lowest level so far this year.

Data showed that new jobs in the Philippines in June were mainly concentrated in industries such as construction, agriculture and forestry, wholesale and retail, accommodation and catering services, and real estate.

According to the industry classification, the service industry is the industry that absorbs the most employment in the Philippines, with 29.51 million employees, accounting for 58.7% of the total employed population, followed by agriculture and industry, accounting for 21.1% and 20.2% respectively.

However, the data also showed that the underemployment rate in the Philippines rose to 12.1% in June, up 2.2 percentage points from May and 0.1 percentage point higher than the same period last year, indicating a decrease in high-quality jobs. Underemployment means that employees are seeking more working hours or better job opportunities.

Arsenio Balisacan, director of the Philippine National Economic and Development Authority, said in a statement on the same day that the Philippines' employment performance in June showed that the country's labor market is remaining strong and resilient. At the same time, the government will continue to focus on creating high-quality, high-income jobs to better solve the problem of vulnerable employment. (End)

(China News Network)
