
How can new e-commerce “be trendy” and “revitalize” the market?


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Source: People's Daily Online
This year's plum season, Liu Zhaodong, a farmer in Jiajia Town, Jianyang City, Sichuan Province, is full of expectations for the volume of plums he will receive. In previous years, Liu Zhaodong's annual purchases were limited; last year, he tasted the sweetness of e-commerce purchases, and the purchases reached millions of kilograms during the entire plum harvest season.
With the help of e-commerce platforms, countless "Liu Zhaodongs" have become new "trendy businessmen".
Content e-commerce, live streaming e-commerce, interest e-commerce, social e-commerce... In recent years, China's new e-commerce has set off a wave. The endless phenomena are like fresh forces, "popular" out of the screen and "revitalize" the market.
Driven by technology empowerment and upgrading of consumer demand, what is the "new" in the new e-commerce? A set of data gives the answer: in the first half of the year, my country's online retail sales reached 7.1 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 9.8%, of which the online retail sales of physical goods reached 5.96 trillion yuan, an increase of 8.8%, accounting for 25.3% of the total retail sales of consumer goods.
With the transformation of the traditional e-commerce model of "people looking for goods" to the new e-commerce model of "goods looking for people", we can get a glimpse of the "big trend" of the booming new e-commerce industry from the "small account book" in the first half of the year.
Keeping accounts in the market: Plums "going online" opens up a new channel for farmers to get rich
"In the past, we were worried about unsold products, but now we are happy about e-commerce." This sentence not only depicts the vivid scene of the transformation of plum sales among farmers in Jiajia Town, Jianyang City, Sichuan Province, but also is a microcosm of the current status of online sales of agricultural products.
Even good wine needs a bush. Although the plums here are uniform in size and crispy in taste, they were once faced with the dilemma of having no sales channels. However, in recent years, this agricultural product has "transformed" and become a hot-selling product in the market.
The products have not changed, the farmers have not changed, what factors have led to this change?
At first, Liu Zhaodong mainly used traditional offline wholesale and retail methods to sell plums. Despite his efforts, he still couldn't break through the sales volume. By chance, Liu Zhaodong came into contact with the new retail format of e-commerce. From then on, his problem was alleviated. The "Internet access" of plums broadened the sales channels and achieved a gorgeous transformation from "worrying about selling" to "no worries about selling".
Before the plum season arrived last year, Liu Zhaodong specially had several banners carefully made at the town's quick printing shop and hung them in prominent locations with the eye-catching slogan "Unlimited purchase of green and crisp plums throughout the day" inscribed on them to attract the attention of passing farmers.
This summer, for the "new farmer" Liu Zhaodong, it is another harvest season of sweat and joy.
Looking back, the arduous scenes of Liu Zhaodong carrying a shoulder pole and holding an electronic scale have turned into leaping sales data on the e-commerce platform; looking at the present, Jianyang plums are in short supply, and Liu Zhaodong's purchasing scope has expanded to Chongqing, Guizhou and other places. At the same time, he is also actively exploring e-commerce sales models for apples and other fruits.
Looking at the "market account" of Jianyang plums, we can clearly see that under the traditional sales model, plums often face the dilemma of poor sales due to lack of information and poor logistics. But now, with the help of an Internet cable, the time it takes for plums to go from the fields to the hands of consumers has been greatly shortened, and the fastest time is only a few days.
It was unimaginable in the past, but now it is gaining momentum.
"China has become the world's largest agricultural product e-commerce country." Wang Xiaobing, director and party secretary of the Information Center of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, said earlier, "Over the past 20 years, my country's agricultural product e-commerce has grown from nothing to something, from small to large. The key lies in the use of Internet technology and information technology to achieve production and marketing docking, and the key lies in the continuous innovation and use of new technologies, new media and new platforms in the development process."
E-commerce is "going to the countryside" and the scale of agricultural products "going out of the village and into the city" is continuing to grow. According to data from relevant departments, the national online retail sales of agricultural products reached 587.03 billion yuan in 2023, an increase of 12.5% ​​over the previous year.
Earn money through knowledge: Electrician "Sherlock Holmes" unlocks new skills in popularizing science and bringing goods
"From a water heater that frequently tripped, to a platinum necklace that was accidentally stuffed into the socket by a child, to a bizarre case of the theft of the ground wire of an entire building..." This video, with a plot twist comparable to that of a suspense blockbuster, quickly became popular on short video platforms and attracted widespread attention from tens of thousands of netizens.
The protagonist in the video, electrician master Wang Jiansheng, successfully solved the long-standing electrical safety hazards faced by residents of a building with his years of experience, and was praised as "the man who saved a building." Netizens affectionately called him "Sherlock Holmes of the electrical industry."
Browsing his homepage, there are no exquisite pictures or high-end productions. Instead, there are all kinds of strange electrical failures and various puzzling puzzles encountered in daily electricity use.
"Now thinking back to when I first entered the industry, if I had been able to see videos like this, perhaps I would have avoided a lot of detours." An internet user who also works in the electrical industry said with emotion.
"One video, tens of thousands of netizens learn circuit safety knowledge together." This has become a vivid portrayal of Wang Jiansheng on the short video platform. He not only demonstrated his daily maintenance skills, but also let netizens learn practical circuit safety knowledge in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere through vivid and interesting explanations.
Small sharing contains great knowledge and can create great results.
With the surge in the number of fans, Wang Jiansheng's e-commerce showcase has also become lively. Wang Jiansheng told reporters that in his "knowledge account book", practical tools such as electric pens and multimeters are leading in sales, with total sales exceeding 810,000 pieces, and the return rate remains low.
The new e-commerce platform facilitates the sharing and dissemination of practical skills, while also driving the sales and growth of related practical tools.
"If you have a skill, you will have a stage." In the new e-commerce wave, there is not only the sharing of electrical appliance knowledge, but also the sharing of various practical skills such as flower and tree maintenance, woodworking carving, welding technology, and auto parts repair. Reports from some e-commerce platforms also show that the new e-commerce wave is not just a temporary trend, but has quickly brought about inclusive social improvements.
Checking accounts with time: Small cosmetic contact lenses "grasp" the new trend of domestic products
"Have you noticed that five years ago, the price of a pack of 10 daily contact lenses was around 100 yuan, but now the same product only costs 40 yuan," said Wang Ting, sales director of a contact lens company.
The obvious price changes are a clear footnote to the rapid rise of domestic cosmetic contact lens brands in the new consumption era.
Tang Shunchu is one of the early entrepreneurs in China who devoted themselves to the independent research and development of cosmetic contact lenses. He recalled: "Five years ago, the cosmetic contact lens market in China was dominated by Korean brands, and domestic brands could hardly find a foothold in this field. However, the situation is now very different. Domestic cosmetic contact lens brands have gained a firm foothold in the domestic market with their strength and innovation, which has greatly reduced the competitiveness of Korean cosmetic contact lens products."
Looking back at the development history of domestic cosmetic contact lens brands: 20 years have passed, from the initial trial and error to today's rapid development, domestic cosmetic contact lenses have achieved a gorgeous transformation from "zero" to "100 million". Five years ago, the monthly production capacity of all domestic contact lens factories in the country was only over 10 million pieces; now, this number has surged to nearly 200 million pieces, with an amazing growth rate.
This change is a vivid reflection of the market's rapid response to consumer demand under the new e-commerce model.
Some experts said that the surge in production capacity is due to the continuous optimization of production processes and the growing demand of consumers. The huge market demand is like a catalyst, which has promoted the overall speed-up of production lines and helped domestic cosmetic contact lens brands achieve large-scale and efficient development in the new e-commerce market.
The “small screen” connects to the “big market” and also reflects the general economic trend.
The word "new" is the most prominent feature of this new wave of e-commerce in China. Relying on the vast stage of the Internet, it has completely overturned the boundaries of traditional consumption, making convenience, individuality and efficiency the new normal of consumption. At the same time, the new e-commerce platform further connects with the diversified and deep-level needs of consumers, driving the continuous iteration and innovation of products and services.
Behind this is the continuous release of policy dividends, the convergence of positive factors, and the steady strengthening of market confidence. It is also the infinite vitality and huge potential shown by China, a huge market with a population of more than 1.4 billion, in the grand journey of improving the quality and expanding the capacity of consumption and moving towards high-quality development.