
Jining Municipal Market Supervision Administration issued a reminder letter to all cosmetics e-commerce operators in the city


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On August 6, Jining Municipal Market Supervision Administration issued a "Reminder Letter to All Cosmetics E-commerce Operators in the City", the details of which are as follows:
All operators must strictly abide by the relevant laws and regulations such as the "Regulations on the Supervision and Administration of Cosmetics", "Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Cosmetics Online Operations", "Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Cosmetics Production and Operations" and other relevant laws and regulations when engaging in cosmetics online business activities and consciously abide by relevant national network security regulations.
E-commerce platform operators must fulfill their management responsibilities for operators on the platform, strictly review identities and register with real names, establish registration files, verify and update them in a timely manner, and properly preserve them. E-commerce operators must fully, truthfully, and accurately disclose labeling information that is consistent with the registration or filing materials for cosmetics on the main page of their business activities.
All operators shall not sell cosmetics that have not been registered or filed, shall not sell cosmetics that use the registration certificate or filing number of others, and shall not sell cosmetics that the national or provincial drug regulatory authorities have required to suspend or stop operation.
All operators shall not make false or exaggerated propaganda, make illegal claims about efficacy, explicitly or implicitly state the medical effects, promote names, trademarks and other information that may be misleading or confusing, and shall not operate products that illegally make claims about cosmeceuticals, stem cells, acid peels, medical skin care products, etc.
All operators shall earnestly fulfill their principal responsibilities and legal obligations, actively cooperate in cosmetics supervision, and jointly promote the sustainable and healthy development of Jining's cosmetics industry.
Hotline for complaints and reports of illegal cosmetic activities: 12315.