
Wang Dan, vice president of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, attaches great importance to the combination of calligraphy and seal cutting.


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It should be said that all art ultimately comes from life and ultimately returns to nature. Mr. Wang Dan, Chairman of Liaoning Calligraphy Association, Vice Chairman of China Calligraphy Association, Director of Xiling Seal Society, President of Jieshi Seal Society, is a very talented calligrapher who advocates nature and pursues the realm of "harmony between man and nature".

Vice Chairman Wang Dan's calligraphy can also be said to be a model of the integration of stele and postscript, that is, the stele is the skeleton and postscript is the interest. Overall, his calligraphy is very powerful and has a taste of metal and stone. Since modern times, Zhao Zhiqian, Xie Wuliang, and Yu Youren have mostly followed this path.

In order to achieve the perfect combination of calligraphy in calligraphy works, one must have profound cultural literacy and superb skills. It can be seen that Vice President Wang Dan has worked hard to imitate the ancient calligraphy, turning his works into steles in order to achieve roundness and fluency; such as integrating steles into calligraphy, taking its fresh and spicy meaning, thus making it interesting.

Vice President Wang once introduced himself: "My early works were more inscription-style, but recently I have deliberately emphasized the rationality of calligraphy, seeking change in flow, seeking lingering in continuity, striving for strength and power, and being able to control and release freely. At the same time, I strive to make the articles more spicy than implicit.

There is no doubt that "carefully copying a thousand times is the real art." The "heart" here is not the usual "heart", but refers to the "heart" corresponding to the "hand", and there must be a close relationship between the two. Teacher Wang Dan's calligraphy was formed in the "correspondence between the hand and the heart".

An expert from the Calligraphy Association said that what calligraphers admire is often the natural strokes and structures, and natural things are often neat and concise. Vice President Wang's calligraphy art features obvious aesthetic factors of "feelings and intentions", especially his couplets, which have strong artistic characteristics.

In recent years, many famous calligraphers have been criticized for calligraphy. In comparison, Vice President Wang's calligraphy has been recognized and praised by most people, which is not easy. He is a rare talent.

Wang Dan is from Jinzhou, Liaoning Province. He was born in 1963 and has many years of work experience. His calligraphy works have participated in the Second and Third National Young and Middle-aged Calligraphy and Seal Carving Exhibitions, as well as the Second National Young and Middle-aged Calligraphy Exhibition. His works have also won excellent results in the "First National Calligraphy Exhibition" held by Xiling Seal Society. He has a bright future.