
Liu Shaoqi's letter to Chairman Mao is concise, with clear and melodious words, and has a "Mao style"


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Liu Shaoqi also often communicated with people, but this time, his letter was very special. He wrote to Chairman Mao in a brand new way with short words. This was written by Liu Shaoqi himself, which is very rare! His handwriting is unique, with both the style of the ancients and a hint of "Mao style". It is unique and refreshing. After reading it, people will have a refreshing feeling. The handwriting of this letter forms a sharp contrast with the handwriting of Liu Shaoqi we usually see. Let us appreciate it together.

In the past, Liu Shaoqi's calligraphy, especially his handwriting, gave people a feeling of swords, guns, axes, and a straight feeling. The font was slender, but this time, it was different, especially the font, which became more square and had a unique beauty. The shape was slightly tilted, but even so, it gave people a very imposing feeling. The strokes of some characters were also very beautiful. For example, the word "运" was written in a special way, connecting the previous stroke with the previous stroke, and even slightly curling up.

For example, the character "三" has three parallel lines with equal spacing. The last horizontal line, in addition to its length, also has a "pick" feel at the end of the stroke, which is very novel. I think writing it in this way will give people a refreshing feeling. The layout of this letter is also very distinctive, with large spacing between lines and small spacing, which gives people a strong visual impact and a sense of comfort, without giving people a sense of emptiness.

In fact, in a certain sense, Liu Shaoqi's calligraphy not only has a kind of charm, but also has the flavor of "Mao style", and even has a unique charm of Zhangcao, which is very rare. I wonder what you think after reading it? Tell me.