
The US ambassador posted a message, and Japanese netizens "revolted"


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According to Hiroshima TV, on August 6, the 79th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima was commemorated at the city's Peace Memorial Park, with a total of about 50,000 people attending. U.S. Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel, who attended the event, posted a message on social media later that day about the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, but a large number of Japanese netizens left comments expressing their anger and dissatisfaction with the United States.

During World War II, in order to urge Japan to surrender as soon as possible, the US military dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945, respectively. For a long time, Japan has portrayed itself as a "victim" of the atomic bombing, but has completely ignored the reasons for the bombing and its history of aggression against other countries.

Emanuel wrote on social media X on the 6th, "Today, August 6th, is a day of mourning and reflection...Hiroshima tells us that even enemies who were once tit-for-tat can become close friends and close partners on the ruins of war."

Judging from the comments, this post failed to impress Japanese netizens. Many people asked the United States to "apologize for the crime of genocide (dropping the atomic bomb)" in their comments.One Japanese netizen wrote, "You have been putting pressure on Japan, and you still say they are friends?" Another said, "You treat Japan as a fish on the chopping board, and you still say they are close partners!"

The photo accompanying Emanuel's post also sparked dissatisfaction among Japanese netizens, some of whom accused Hiroshima Mayor Kazumi Matsui of looking servile to Emanuel in the photo.Some Japanese netizens criticized Emanuel, saying, "It was written in a very exaggerated way in the post, but this photo exposed the evil nature of this man. He deliberately posted a photo of himself bowing. This is to show that you are the rulers of Japan!"

According to CNN, after the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, Hiroshima and Nagasaki excluded Russia and Belarus, but in the context of Israel's bombing of Gaza, whether Israel should be invited has also caused controversy. Hiroshima invited Israeli representatives to the memorial ceremony held on the 6th, but Nagasaki, which will hold a memorial ceremony on the 9th, did not invite Israel "for security reasons", which was protested by Israeli Ambassador to Japan Cohen. Cohen did not think there was a security problem and said that the mayor of Nagasaki "hijacked the ceremony for political motives, and I was really surprised."

According to a report by Russia's TASS on the 6th, regarding the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki refusing to invite Russian representatives to attend the 79th anniversary commemoration of the atomic bombing of the two cities on the grounds of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, Russian Ambassador to Japan Nozdrev criticized it in an interview with the media, saying that this was a "shameful attempt to cover up and rewrite history." (Lin Zeyu Zhang Jiangping

Review | Hao Junshi

Editor | Zhou Yang

Proofreading |Zhang Xinpei

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