
Dalian Maritime University Lingfeng Sailing Team successfully completed the voyage across the Bohai Sea


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China News Service, Dalian, August 4 (Reporter Yang Yi) The 13th Lingfeng Sailing Team of Dalian Maritime University, consisting of 29 teachers and students, returned successfully on the 3rd and successfully completed the journey across the Bohai Sea.
The Dalian Maritime University Lingfeng Sailing Team successfully completed the voyage across the Bohai Sea. Photo courtesy of Dalian Maritime University
The 13th Lingfeng Expeditionary Fleet officially set sail on July 30 and arrived at Liugong Island, Weihai on the evening of July 31. At 4 a.m. on August 2, the Lingfeng Expeditionary Fleet set off from Liugong Island and returned to Dalian at 16:00 on August 3.
During this voyage, Liaoning Maritime Safety Administration, Shandong Maritime Safety Administration and Beihai Rescue Bureau provided professional escort. During the voyage, Dalian Maritime Safety Administration patrol ship 0302 provided full escort for Lingfeng Voyage Team. When in Weihai waters, Weihai Maritime Safety Administration dispatched "Haixun 0591" and "Haixun 05903" to provide coordinated escort. During the period, Beihai Rescue Bureau rescue ship 115 provided visual escort on the route and dispatched helicopters on standby to ensure all-round navigation safety.
During the voyage, the team members overcame the challenges of high temperature, sun exposure, seasickness, fog, and night sailing, braved the wind and waves, and moved forward courageously. "Seeing the team members on the sea using sails and oars to drive the sailboat forward on the waves, I am really proud of them!" said Zhang Kejia, the instructor and the Navigation Training and Engineering Practice Center.
Team member Su Jingkai said: "Unlike the nervousness and excitement at the start of the voyage, the team members were more calm and confident during the return voyage. Sailing on the sea requires not only courage and insight, but also the comprehensive use of knowledge in navigation, meteorology, fluid mechanics, etc. We all feel that we have gained a lot."
The Dalian Maritime University Lingfeng Sailing Team successfully completed the voyage across the Bohai Sea. Photo courtesy of Dalian Maritime University
On the 3rd, Dalian Maritime University held a triumphal return ceremony at the Linghai campus. Party Secretary Xu Minqiang collected the flag of the 13th Lingfeng Sailing Team on behalf of the school. The team members returned the flag to the school, marking the successful conclusion of the 13th Lingfeng Sailing Team. (End)