
Dongfeng Village, Jishu Town, Jinxiang County, carried out a reading and presentation activity on the theme of "Veterans' Original Aspirations"


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The reading and presentation activity of the theme of "Veterans' Original Aspirations" in Dongfeng Village, Jishu Town reporter Gao Chuanshun and correspondent Wang Jikai reported from Jining
On August 4, Dongfeng Village, Jishu Town, Jinxiang County, Jining City, launched a themed reading and lecture activity called "The Veterans' Original Aspirations Stories" at the village cultural center, aiming to create a strong red reading atmosphere through real and moving stories of veterans, further inherit the red gene, and promote the revolutionary spirit.
At the event, veterans told their stories of their original intentions of joining the army and their military life. Veterans encouraged the people present to love the motherland and the people and do their jobs well. Afterwards, the staff of the Jishu Town Cultural Station shared excellent red stories with the people present in easy-to-understand language, recommended red books, and advocated active learning of the glorious deeds of revolutionary martyrs. "'Veterans' original intention stories' are historical memories and national spiritual treasures. Jishu Town will continue to dig deep into red cultural resources, innovate publicity and education methods, and organize a variety of activities to keep the red gene alive in Jishu, injecting a strong spiritual driving force into the development of the new era." Zhang Yanbin, head of the Jishu Town Armed Forces Department, said.