
Inheriting the August 1st spirit and continuing the red bloodline! Liyuan Village, Bixi Street, Changshu City, carried out the "August 1st" Army Day condolence activities


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Recently, Liyuan Village, Bixi Street, Changshu City, launched a visit and condolence activity to celebrate the August 1st Army Day with the theme of "Inheriting the August 1st Spirit and Continuing the Red Bloodline", continuously enhancing the sense of gain, happiness and honor of the village's active-duty soldiers, their families, and retired soldiers.
During the visit, the staff of Zhongcun had cordial exchanges with the families of active-duty soldiers, asked about the children's performance in the army, expressed their affirmation of the children's rooting in the barracks and defending the country, and expressed their sincere gratitude to the military families for their strong support for national defense construction. After learning in detail about the work and life of the military families and the practical difficulties that needed help to be solved, they presented condolences. For this, the family members expressed their gratitude for the concern of the Party and the government, and must ask their children to serve well in the army, live up to the expectations of the people in their hometown, and strive to make achievements in the army.
The village staff visited the veterans who fought in the Korean War and the "Two Participations" and asked about their living conditions and physical conditions, and presented them with gifts and condolence money. In the exchanges with the veterans, the past glorious years were slowly told, telling about the dangerous moments of the artillery fire; telling about the difficult and hard times; telling about the prosperous and beautiful happy times now. Listening to the veterans' heartfelt sighs, we feel that the current happy life is hard-won and the sacrifices of generations of revolutionary martyrs. How to inherit this red memory is a subject that everyone in our contemporary era should learn.
Liyuan Village staff said that through this activity, a communication platform was built for active and retired soldiers, allowing everyone to truly feel the care and concern of the village party organization, and enhancing the cohesion and centripetal force of the active and retired soldiers. In the future, we will continue to innovate service models and improve service systems with a high sense of responsibility and mission, and provide active and retired soldiers with better quality, more efficient and convenient services with heart and soul, and create a good atmosphere of supporting the army, honoring the army and respecting the army.
Yangtze Evening News/Ziniu News reporter Zhang Tianyi
Proofreading Faye Wong