
Internet anchors are "promoted to regular positions", giving more people the opportunity to shine in life


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He Yong
On July 31, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security website published a notice jointly issued by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and three other departments. The notice announced 19 new occupations, including bioengineering technicians. Among them, the network anchors who have attracted much attention from the society are also among these new occupations. (Beijing News, August 1)
In recent years, the rapid development of the live streaming industry has provided many people with a platform to express themselves and showcase their talents, especially providing young people with a new career development path, giving them more opportunities to achieve success in life. For example, Liu Lujie, a Douyin blogger with 296,000 followers, was a rural youth who was once unknown. In two years, he gradually gained a career through his unremitting efforts and hard work on the live streaming platform.
From a macro perspective, the rapid development of the live streaming industry has spawned a large number of new formats, driven employment and economic development, and become an important reservoir for absorbing and expanding employment space, showing the characteristics of digital professionalization, live streaming industrialization, popularization of employment, and large-scale employment. The "China Network Audiovisual Development Research Report (2024)" released by the China Network Audiovisual Program Service Association at the end of March this year shows that as of December 2023, the number of professional network anchors in my country has reached 15.08 million. Moreover, according to data calculations, every increase of 100 million in the online transaction volume of live e-commerce can drive an increase of about 1,100 jobs.
But at the same time, the rapid development of the live streaming industry is accompanied by various problems. Some people in society have misunderstandings about the live streaming industry and the anchor group, especially the top anchors, and even demonize them. Some people think that live streaming has affected the business of physical stores, and some people think that it is a waste of talent for highly educated people to become anchors. Not long ago, "millionaire internet celebrity" Chen Xian chose to become an anchor after graduating from Zhejiang University, which aroused doubts. These misunderstandings, prejudices or demonized interpretations have caused the anchor group to lack a sense of professional identity, which has affected young people's participation in the live streaming industry to a certain extent, and restricted the long-term healthy development of the live streaming industry.
In such an era, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and other three departments followed the development trend of the Internet and made the network anchor "regularized" and became a new profession officially recognized by the state. This not only highlights the state's recognition of the network live broadcast industry, but also affirms the professional value of Liu Lujie and countless network anchors, provides a clearer professional identity and social status for the network anchor group, enhances the professional sense of belonging and honor of network anchors, provides a better soil for the growth of the new profession of network anchors, and supports and encourages young people to choose network anchors as a way to realize their life dreams. This is objectively conducive to eliminating the public's misunderstanding of the network live broadcast industry and the network anchor group, and helps to attract more people, especially young people, to choose to engage in the network live broadcast career, so that more people can enjoy the opportunity to shine in life. Like Liu Lujie, Dong Yuhui and other network anchors, they can realize the value of life and shine in life through network live broadcast, create a better life, and further release the huge potential of the emerging profession of network anchors and activate the broad prospects for the future development of the emerging industry of network live broadcast, depicting a better picture of China's economy.
Of course, we should also see that the "regularization" of online anchors means that the state and society have put forward higher professional ethics requirements for online anchors, and pointed out the direction for the standardized development of the online live broadcast industry and the professional development of online anchors. This requires the government and platforms to strengthen the supervision of the online live broadcast industry and the online anchor group, and it is also inseparable from the online anchors strengthening self-discipline and self-improvement.
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