
Who is to blame for the confusion in women's clothing sizes?


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Clothes are meant to serve people, and every woman should not be bound by so-called "size standards".
The picture comes from the Internet special commentator Long Xiaodie
In today's society, clothing is not only a daily need, but also reflects cultural aesthetics and business strategies. However, many consumers have found that even adult women's clothing marked with the same size is becoming increasingly tight, and the size of adult women's clothing is even smaller than that of children's clothing of the same size. When Ms. Wang from Heping District, Tianjin, was buying women's clothing, she found that she could not wear the size M (160) T-shirt she usually wore. This made people reflect: Is it that the size of clothes has become smaller, or is there something wrong with people's perception of the body?
The reasons behind this are complex and multi-dimensional. On the one hand, in order to cater to the market's pursuit of the aesthetic of "white, young and thin", merchants deliberately launch small-sized clothing, and even invisibly promote small sizes as a fashion benchmark. This trend not only infringes on the rights and interests of consumers, but also violates the Advertising Law and misleads the public's definition of beauty. On the other hand, with the increase of social pressure, more and more women have fallen into the vicious circle of weight loss. Merchants take advantage of this and deliberately reduce the size of clothes, aggravating women's body anxiety and causing them to fall into endless weight loss and self-doubt. What's more, some merchants deliberately make the size smaller, claiming that this is for self-cultivation and beauty, but in fact it is a kind of "size bullying" against women. Ms. Zhang, a Beijing citizen, said that because the size of the clothes became smaller, she had to choose a larger size of clothes, which made her feel very embarrassed and invisibly caused body anxiety.
According to the "Report on the Nutrition and Chronic Disease Status of Chinese Residents", the average height and weight of women aged 18-44 in my country are far from being able to fit those ridiculously small-sized women's clothing. The popular small-sized women's clothing on the market does not meet the actual needs of the general female consumers. What is even more worrying is that this trend of small sizes is not limited to individual brands or stores. From offline shopping malls to online platforms, the ubiquitous tight-fitting clothes are quietly changing people's aesthetics and consumption habits. In some live broadcast rooms, the clothing sizes recommended by the anchors are often small, causing consumers to have to change them repeatedly, increasing the cost and inconvenience of shopping.
In this regard, it should be made clear that businesses can design clothing based on market demand, but they cannot do so at the expense of consumers’ health, and they should not manipulate size standards to induce wrong consumer concepts. As Ms. Huang, who is also troubled, said, it is not advisable to "randomly change" sizes and use this as a business model to promote it.
Fortunately, my country revised the "Clothing Size for Women (GB/T 1335.2-2008)" standard as early as 2008, classifying women's body shapes in order to provide a more scientific and reasonable clothing size reference. It is time for these standards to be strictly enforced and supervised.
For consumers, bravely supervising businesses and saying "no" to unreasonable clothing sizes is an effective way to safeguard their own rights. The essence of clothes is to serve people. Every woman has the right to choose clothes that suit her, rather than being bound by the so-called "size standards." While pursuing beauty, we should pay more attention to physical health and psychological comfort. Only when the aesthetic concepts of society return to diversity and tolerance can women's body anxiety be truly alleviated.
The issue of small sizes for adult women's clothing is not just a controversy over the size itself, but also concerns issues at multiple levels, such as consumer rights protection, social aesthetics guidance, and market supervision. Only when these issues are properly resolved can all female compatriots have a healthier and more reasonable dressing environment.
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