
Multiple platforms take action to manage illegal content in sports fan circles, and related accounts are banned


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On August 6, Kuaishou released the "Announcement on the Governance of "Fan Circles" During the Olympic Games". The announcement shows that during the Olympic Games, the platform has cleaned up more than 21,000 pieces of bad content related to sports fan circles, and banned 235 accounts from stage to permanent bans depending on the violation.
Kuaishou said that some typical cases include: being a fan of a certain athlete and praising one and criticizing another, making radical remarks to attack other athletes and coaches participating in the competition. The platform has dealt with more than 800 illegal comments for this; using comics to simulate dialogues between athletes, and the plot involves fabricated conflicts between multiple athletes. The platform has dealt with 52 illegal videos for this; maliciously interpreting the identities and backgrounds of two athletes in the women's singles table tennis final, in order to attack the unfair results of the game and to drag down the opposing athletes. The platform has dealt with more than 1,500 illegal comments for this.
Douyin also announced that it has cleaned up more than 38,000 pieces of bad content related to sports fan clubs. On August 5, the Douyin Security Center issued an announcement on the governance of illegal content in "fan clubs" during the Olympic Games. The announcement stated that Douyin had launched a special campaign to deal with "fan club chaos" in May. In the recent Olympic Games, the platform found that a small number of users, driven by the trend outside the site, reposted relevant remarks to hype athletes' "CPs" without bottom line, dragged down athletes and coaching staff members, and even made personal attacks on some athletes. The platform dealt with this seriously.
Douyin stated that during the Olympic Games, the platform cleaned up more than 38,000 pieces of bad content related to sports fan circles, and imposed temporary to permanent bans on 445 accounts depending on the violations.
Toutiao and Weibo also took action. On August 5, Toutiao announced that according to the Toutiao Community Standards, from July 26 to August 4, 2024, the platform has processed 5,771 pieces of sports content that are seriously "fan circle" and deleted 92,649 related comments. Some accounts that violated the rules were banned or even banned to varying degrees. At the same time, the platform also found that there was a large amount of homogeneous content in some key events. These contents were under the banner of cheering for the country and athletes, and spread a large amount of similar or even consistent controversial fan circle content. The platform has processed 781 pieces of such low-quality content.
On August 4, Weibo announced that according to the "Weibo Community Convention" and other relevant regulations, the site has cleaned up more than 12,000 pieces of illegal content for the behaviors such as pulling down and provoking conflicts, malicious attacks, etc. that have appeared in the discussions of relevant events in the past two days, and has given phased bans to permanent bans to more than 300 illegal accounts such as @重生之捏灰溪, @川渝哈哈花, @想努力前进的gungun, @假宁qwq, etc. depending on the severity of the violations.