
Vientiane 9:30 [gf]246b[/gf]︱The situation in the Middle East escalates as Iran leads the "Axis of Resistance" to launch a counterattack


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At 9:30 in Vientiane, let’s chat about the world with you.
Amid the tensions in the Middle East, Iran recently convened an emergency meeting of the "Axis of Resistance" composed of multiple countries and organizations to discuss revenge plans for recent attacks. What exactly is the "Axis of Resistance"? Simply put, the "Axis of Resistance" is an alliance of forces between Iran and some Middle Eastern countries, including Lebanon's Hezbollah, Hamas and other resistance organizations, with the common goal of countering the influence of the United States and Israel in the region.
Looking back at history, the prototype of the "Axis of Resistance" can be traced back to the geopolitical reconstruction period after the Iranian Islamic Revolution, especially the US military intervention in the Middle East and Israel's expansion policy. In order to cope with external pressure, Iran began to actively build its own alliance network. With the rise of Hezbollah in Lebanon with the support of Iran, and the support of Hamas and other Palestinian resistance organizations by Iran, the "Axis of Resistance" gradually took shape. From the initial ideological output to the expansion and cooperation of members, to the evolution of strategic goals and the influence of key events, its history is a complex and long-term process.
As for why the "Axis of Resistance" is particularly critical in the current situation in the Middle East, the main reasons are as follows:
First, the confrontation between the United States and Iran has led to a continued tension in the security situation in the Middle East. In this context, the existence of the "Axis of Resistance" helps to enhance regional unity and cohesion. Second, as Israel takes a tougher stance on the Palestinian issue and continues to provoke neighboring countries, it has caused widespread dissatisfaction and concern in the region. Therefore, the joint actions of the "Axis of Resistance" are not only a direct response to Israel's military actions, but also a necessary measure to maintain regional peace and stability and prevent the escalation of conflicts.
However, this has also aroused widespread concern and worry in the international community. Some countries are worried that this alliance may exacerbate tensions in the Middle East and even trigger larger-scale conflicts and wars. In this context, the Iranian government has also shown a cautious and rational attitude. They emphasized that the existence of the "resistance axis" is not to seek war and conflict, but to safeguard the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of regional countries.
The meeting of the "Axis of Resistance" is not only a powerful response to Israel, but also an important manifestation of the countries and organizations in the Middle East strengthening cooperation and jointly responding to challenges. However, how to properly handle this crisis and avoid war and conflict will still be a severe test for Iran.
Guizhou Daily Tianyan News Reporter
Planning Yang Yi
Text/Video Production: Kang Yuxuan
Poster design by Wang Yinyan
Editor: Guo Fangxia
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