
Xiaonan District, Xiaogan City: Let every primary school student learn to swim


한어Русский языкEnglishFrançaisIndonesianSanskrit日本語DeutschPortuguêsΕλληνικάespañolItalianoSuomalainenLatina (Hubei Daily Online) (Reporters Li Yixi and Cheng Jianzhuan) "Stretch your arms straight, squat down! Start!" Following the order from coach Li Yaqin, several students swam slowly forward in the pool with the help of floating boards. On one side of the pool, students from other groups also listened attentively to teacher Li's explanation, eager to try and wait for the opportunity to go on stage.
On August 3, in the pull-rod swimming pool of the First Primary School in Maochen Town, Xiaonan District, Xiaogan City, the fourth graders of the school were taking a practical swimming class under the guidance of a coach.
After warming up, the children entered the swimming pool in groups and began practical classroom training step by step. After one and a half hours of teaching, Coach Li praised them repeatedly, "The children are great, they understand everything and learn it quickly!"
As early as December 2023, Xiaogan City issued the "Work Plan for Promoting Swimming in Campus", striving to ensure that all primary school students in the city achieve the full coverage goal of "everyone can swim and everyone can save themselves" when they graduate within three years.
In accordance with this requirement, at the beginning of 2024, Xiaonan District identified 14 primary schools as the first batch to carry out swimming teaching pilot projects, with a coverage rate of more than 25%. As one of the first pilot schools, at the beginning of this summer vacation, Maochen Town No. 1 Primary School adopted a method of combining the popularization of drowning prevention knowledge with swimming skills learning, and carried out swimming practice teaching for students from grades 3 to 6 of the school. So far, the first batch of 253 fifth-grade students participating in the school have completed swimming training in five batches, with 239 qualified students and a compliance rate of 94.5%, basically achieving the initial goal.
It is understood that since the first phase of "Swimming in Schools" in Xiaonan District was officially launched, 19 pull-rod swimming pools, 67 coaches, and 19 safety officers have been deployed in 14 pilot schools in the district, with 4,221 students participating, of whom 3,766 have learned to swim. On August 1, the second batch of 32 primary schools successively launched the "Swimming in Schools" activity, and by the end of the summer vacation, "Swimming in Schools" will be fully covered in 46 primary schools in the district.
"The purpose of launching swimming courses is not only to impart a skill, but also to cultivate students' safety awareness and self-rescue ability in water." Liang Weixue, principal of Maochen Town No. 1 Primary School, said that the "Swimming in Campus" activity not only improves students' safety awareness and self-rescue ability, but also provides a solid boost to effectively improve students' comprehensive quality. "For students, this is not only a process of mastering sports skills, but also a unique learning experience. We will continue to deepen the work of "Swimming in Campus", provide students with high-quality teaching resources, and help every child grow healthily and develop comprehensively!" Liang Weixue said.