
World Health Organization updates list of most dangerous pathogens


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According to a recent report on the British website Nature, the World Health Organization (WHO) has updated its "priority pathogens" list, which shows that the number of pathogens that may cause the next pandemic has increased to more than 30, including influenza A virus, dengue virus and monkeypox virus.
Researchers pointed out that this new list will help WHO decide which pathogens to focus on developing relevant therapies, vaccines and diagnostic methods. More than 200 scientists spent about two years evaluating evidence related to 1,652 pathogens to decide which pathogens to include in the new list. The pathogens on the new list are highly contagious and toxic, and may cause a global public health emergency, and patients currently have limited access to relevant vaccines and treatments.
The new list includes the entire Sabei coronavirus and Mabe coronavirus subgenera, of which the new coronavirus belongs to Sabei coronavirus and the virus that causes Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) belongs to Mabe coronavirus. The previous list also included the viruses that cause severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and MERS, but did not cover the entire subgenera to which they belong.
Another new pathogen on the list is monkeypox virus. The virus caused a global outbreak in 2022 and continues to spread in parts of Central Africa. Two rodent viruses were also added to the new list because they have spread to humans and sporadic cases of human-to-human transmission have occurred. The report shows that climate change and accelerated urbanization may increase the risk of these viruses spreading to humans.
The new list also includes six influenza A viruses, of which the H5 subtype has caused outbreaks in U.S. dairy cows. Five other pathogens that cause cholera, plague, dysentery, diarrhea and pneumonia were also included in the list for the first time.
In addition to the priority pathogens list, scientists have compiled a list of prototype pathogens that they can use for basic science research and as model species for the development of therapeutics and vaccines.
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