
Trent Gudrumson | Contemporary American Impressionist Painter


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Trent Gudmundsen

Trent Gudmson

United States, (1978-)

— ArtYouhua—

Trent GudmsonTrent Gudmundsen, born in California in 1978, is an outstanding American painter. He grew up in a small farming community in Utah, began to paint oil paintings at the age of 14, and taught himself to paint in fields and canyons. He later received a full art scholarship to enter college, but because he was tired of classroom teaching, he decided to explore more and soon found that he was good at painting people.

Gudmson soon left school, began painting on his own, and moved to Colorado, where he met and married Lola Jean. That same year, Southwest Art magazine recognized Gudmson's potential in its annual "21 Under 31" article and featured him in a six-page feature in August 2010.

Gudmson's work has received top awards at the national level, including: 2019: American Impressionist Society National Show (New York). 2003 and 2009: Oil Painters of America National Show. 2019: National Society of Oil and Acrylic Painters' "Best of America" ​​Show.

Gudmundsson's painting style is heavily inspired by European and Soviet Impressionism and Realism. His work is traditional in subject matter, but executed in a very modern way. He often reduces parts of his paintings to blocks of color with only figures, sometimes by suppressing and "deconstructing" the edges of figures so that they almost blend into the background.

Gudmundsson's work strives to be both accurate and soft, while engaging the viewer with reserved implied textures and thick brushstrokes. This combination produces artwork that becomes more visually satisfying the more it is viewed. Trent's artistic goal is to convey more in each painting while giving the viewer more opportunities to fill in the rest of the visual story. His work invites the viewer to remember or create an experience that is unique and important to them.

Trent Gudrumson lives with his wife, Lora Jean, and their five children in a hand-built stone farmhouse near Preston, Idaho. He expresses his deep understanding and love of life and nature through his constant artistic exploration and creation.

"Through my journey as an artist, I've discovered that a painting is more than just the subject matter itself; it's also more than just the paint itself; it's the balance between the two, like letting the dancers and the music create a ballet," Gudmundsson said. "The paint takes the stage here, the figures take the stage there, all taking turns, creating an exchange that only painting can, which is amazing. Each painting has its own personality, and it's thrilling to watch it develop. Many times, the painting has a mind of its own, and I just have to get out of the way and let it dictate, asking no questions."

source:Oil Painting World (ID: ArtYouhua), please indicate the source when reprinting.

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