
Appreciation of Russian famous painting "Unequal Marriage"


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The Unequal Marriage, 1862

Oil on canvas 173 x 136.5 cm

Vasily Pukirev

Now in the collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow

Unequal MarriageThis is a painting with profound social significance, created by Russian artist Vasily Pukirev (1832-1890). This painting not only shows the artist's superb skills, but also reveals the unequal marriage phenomenon in society at that time through its unique perspective and expression.

After Pukirev completed this work in 1862, he exhibited it at an academic exhibition the following year and immediately received high praise. This painting, with its grand conception, strong emotional expression, unusual size and superb painting skills, made Pukirev a prominent figure in the Russian painting world and earned him the title of professor.

In the painting, Pukirev used a close-up composition to show a sad wedding scene: a young girl and an old man were getting married. The priest was blessing them, while the bride bowed her head and reluctantly accepted this tragic fate, while the old man looked arrogant. Through this painting, Pukirev exposed the common morbid phenomenon in society at that time, that is, women were forced to marry older men for money and social status. This transaction not only destroyed women's youth, but also reflected social injustice.

In this painting, Pukirev cleverly incorporated his own portrait into it, standing on the right side of the picture with his hands folded on his chest, as if silently observing everything. Critic Stasov once pointed out that this painting was not fully recognized by the authorities at first because it did not depict war or disaster, but showed a seemingly ordinary but tragic wedding held in a church.

Through this painting, Pukirev expressed his personal experience and deep feelings. The old groom in the painting is a real person, and the bride standing side by side with him is the image of Pukirev's fiancée. For Pukirev, this painting is a painful memory and a strong accusation of social injustice at that time. Through this work, Pukirev not only demonstrated his artistic talent, but also conveyed a deep reflection on the fate of women and social injustice.

Partial appreciation of the works

source:Oil Painting World (ID: ArtYouhua), please indicate the source when reprinting.

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