
The military movie that cost 800 million yuan and each set of individual equipment is 800,000 yuan is released! It's really eye-catching after watching it


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The movie "Gazi Stealing Dog" is finally released

When "Panga Zhijiao" was popular in 2022, Xie Mengwei, the actor who played the classic film and television character Ga Zi, announced that he was shooting a movie similar to "Operation Red Sea" with an investment of more than 800 million yuan, which is three times that of Operation Red Sea. He also told reporters that the equipment he wore cost nearly 800,000 yuan a set, and he customized 20 sets at once, spending more than 10 million yuan on equipment alone!

▲Individual equipment in the filming footage

This bold statement naturally aroused heated discussions among many military fans. At that time, I even wrote an article to analyze how much equipment a fully armed special forces soldier would cost.

▲Gazi is wearing a typical Taobao special forces suit

In fact, the equipment that Gazi wears in the movie is definitely that of a special forces soldier from Taobao. Military fans can tell at a glance that it is cheap and counterfeit. Together with the prop gun, the whole set only costs a few thousand dollars at most.

▲The same Taobao equipment as Gazige

This is secondary. What really made the movie break out was a video of Gazi during his audition. Gazi was wearing a suit, with his neck bent forward, holding a Jieying sniper rifle, and looking around in a wretched manner. It was really funny, so netizens spoofed it into "Gazi stealing a dog" and circulated it widely on the Internet. Gazi's movie "Hard-Handed Sniper" became widely known because of this.

Recently, this movie with an investment of 800 million yuan finally started to be broadcast on iQiyi! In order to bring you the follow-up report of "single soldier's equipment costing 800,000 yuan", I specially watched this movie "Hard Sniper" these days.

▲Poster of "Hardcore Sniper"

▲One of the female protagonists is Wang Li Danni. LSPs should have seen her film "Dear Friend"

How do I describe the viewing experience? Well, it feels a bit like, "I know you're joking, but this is too outrageous... And, 800,000 yuan for a single soldier's equipment? Dude, this is the total budget you spent on the entire movie, right?"

▲Clip from the movie "Hardcore Sniper"

You may say that this movie is not a military movie. It does have all kinds of fighting, combat and explosion scenes, but to say that it is a military movie is a bit like biting your own teeth.

▲Anyone with military knowledge would feel this way when watching this movie...

In this post, we will talk about "Hard Boiled", which is a textbook of military movies (a collection of negative mistakes). If we want to evaluate its literary drama and plot, we can only say that it is a half-cooked "fast food hodgepodge", which not only selects the clichéd story of martial arts movies "the brothers are jealous of each other, and the younger sister dies tragically in his arms", but also selects the common scenes in military movies "the evil bandits surround the corpse and attack the reinforcements, and the protagonist group takes righteous revenge".

▲Revisiting the classic plot of the 80s (the heroine’s heavy makeup is really...)

I'm going to give you the plot of the whole movie right away. It's about two brothers who are from the same sect as "Fire Cloud Evil God" and are a group of mercenaries. They are going to the drug dealer's lair to rescue a female hostage. The younger brother Gazi disobeyed orders and shot and killed the hostage without authorization. Then the two brothers had a quarrel, which led to the tragic death of their teammate and the younger sister, and the brothers parted ways.

▲Hostage: You just keep shouting, "Say no, say no, why don't you ask?"

In a rage, Gazi surrendered to drug dealers and became the adopted son of the drug dealer leader. A few years later, he transformed into Lu Bu and killed his father to seize power. In the end, he was killed in a duel with his senior brother who came to seek revenge - why is the plot so similar to "Tai Chi Zhang Sanfeng" starring Jet Li?

▲The plot of Gazi killing his father, I always feel that the performance is too exaggerated

Such a plot, coupled with a group of absent-minded actors who are only concerned with making pocket money, together created a wonderful level of performance that is on par with Japanese small movies (even worse than some scenes)... For example, the following shot, what do you think it expresses?

A. The special forces are crying

B. The actor wanted to hold it tight, but couldn't hold it tight.

C. Middle-aged uncle interprets emoticons

D. Obtuse angle

However, although this is an outright bad movie, we can still combine some of the plots to talk to you about the corresponding military knowledge. Let's get started:

1. Even for "small Karami", there must be rules

Netizens who often watch short videos on Douyin must be familiar with a term, that is, "Little Karami". This name refers to the "extras" in every movie. Although these "Little Karami" are not as eye-catching as the protagonists of the movie, they can directly reflect the quality of a military movie.

▲No matter how small the role is, if it is not performed well, it will make people feel distracted, but if it is performed well, it will add a lot of color

In a good military movie, even the soldiers who are just background characters must have their own duties, be well-trained, and have their own jobs. For example, the Rangers and Delta in "Dark Shadows Fall" and Wagner in "Hellraiser" all have their own roles and positions. The commander guards the radio and stares at the monitor, the driver drives well, the machine gunner is responsible for suppression or rearguard, and the quick reaction force puts out fires everywhere...

▲In "Black Hawk Down", two very impressive machine gunners

In bad military movies, the background extras are likely to have nothing to do and walk around meaninglessly. In this movie "Tough Guy (Ga Zi) Sniper", the soldiers move around meaninglessly, and both sides stand upright and shoot at each other. It can be said that it has reached a peak state!

▲The enemy and us stand and shoot at each other

At the beginning of the movie, the styling and costumes of these little Karamis are really unbearable. One can't help but shout out, "Gazi, extras are also part of the movie, give them some budget, give them some..."

▲In the movie, shaking hands with RPG warheads, and wearing a mask, little Karami

It is 2024, and even the most ordinary military enthusiasts can understand the most obvious truth through various channels: that is, when armed personnel use guns and other weapons to perform combat missions, they must be equipped with "combat carrying equipment". Armed personnel without "carrying equipment" will find it difficult to carry spare bullets and other combat supplies in good condition, and their sustainable combat capability is approximately zero... and they cannot carry bulletproof components of any material, so their protection is equivalent to "streaking".

▲You see, even the black African uncles of unknown brands know to wear a 56-style chest mount

If the film was set in the slums of South America or Africa, young gangsters just starting out in the business walking around in plain clothes with guns might be acceptable, but in the drug dens of the so-called well-organized paramilitary organizations in Southeast Asia, this look seems very amateurish.

Especially the setting of no carrying equipment + uniform camouflage + black face scarf, the combination is even more out of place and superfluous. This group of villain soldiers wearing black masks on duty at night in the base camp of their own forces is simply giving infiltrators a chance to disguise themselves...

▲The soldiers all wear black masks, probably to cover up the facial emotional performance ability of the extras.

However, when I saw the scene in the back where the pistol of Gazi was stuck in his belt, I felt relieved. The protagonist's appearance was so poor that he didn't even need a holster, so it was normal for the soldier to look shabby...


The movements of these "little Karami" are even more against the most basic military principles. When watching the real military action videos of regular troops, you can often find such a common phenomenon that the routes of action of all regular army sentries and patrols are very regular. From how to carry the gun to how to define the patrol route? There are rules to follow for where to place the open sentries and hidden sentries.

The reason for doing this is very simple. Regular army soldiers carry iron weapons that can really kill people. There are strict disciplines on where the muzzle of the gun should be pointed. Holding the gun and swinging it around the waist randomly like in the movies may seem to increase the reaction speed and deterrence in battle, but in fact, as long as the gun holder is not careful, he will violate the most basic muzzle discipline (pointing the muzzle at friendly forces), causing unimaginable consequences.

The finger casually resting on the trigger and the muzzle of the gun swinging around at the waist are truly the standard "special medicine to raise the blood pressure of the shooting range boss" and "the trigger for being promoted by the squad leader."

Of course, these villains, Karami, are not without their "highlights". The aftereffects of their being shot are the most exaggerated I have seen in recent years... Basically, no matter how they are shot, or what kind of gun they are hit by, they will perform a flying show that ignores the earth's gravity for the audience, which is unforgettable for a long time.

2. If you want to act like an "elite force", you still need to put in some effort

After talking about the military quality of the villains in the movie, let's take a look at the protagonists. The level of the protagonists is about the same as that of the protagonists. As the captain of the elite mercenaries of Thunder International Security Company, in order to be cool, this character chose a weapon that is not suitable for his position and mission environment, the M200 sniper rifle.

▲The M200 that the captain holds in the movie is most likely the toy model of the Jieying model that costs less than 2,000 yuan.

Let's talk about improper positioning first. On the battlefield, the commander's first task is not to kill as many enemy troops as he can or to complete as many tasks as he can, but to be the "brain" of the entire team. In order to better perform his duties, he first needs a broad field of vision. This is why commanders of regular armies like to command from high places with binoculars. The sniper rifle is the weapon with the smallest field of view among all weapons. Although the scope provides the ability to observe distant targets, it also reduces the user's field of view, making it impossible for him to observe the macro changes of the entire battlefield in a timely manner, which is extremely detrimental to the combat effectiveness of the entire team.

Therefore, it is very rare for a team's commander to be a sniper.

▲Wagner's commander in "Hell's Edge" mostly communicates via radio

Secondly, the M200 is really an overkill for this kind of battlefield environment. This gun is used for ultra-long-range shooting (effective shooting distance is up to 2000 meters), and for this purpose, 0.408-inch (10.36×77 mm) high-precision bullets are specially selected.

▲The red circle in the middle is a 0.408 bullet, which is several times larger than a 7.62mm full-power rifle bullet

Taking it to the battle to rescue hostages in the villa area presented in the movie can be said to be the exact opposite of the role positioning. You know, in order to specialize in long-range shooting properties, this gun has paid a lot of price. The weight of the bare gun without a scope reaches 14.6 kg, and the length reaches 1346.2 mm (with the buttstock unfolded), which is an absolute big guy.

No matter how strong a soldier is, it is difficult to carry it around in a compact villa area. If a real special forces unit were to perform such a mission, they would most likely choose a semi-automatic sniper rifle with a silencer and night vision scope that would not be too heavy.

▲7.62 or 8.6mm sniper rifles can actually meet the needs of sniping human targets in most scenarios. This is also the daily choice of most military and police snipers.

▲Compared to the M200 chosen by the captain, Ga Zi's gun, the Jieying MSR, is a more suitable choice

As for the placement of the sniper rifle, it was as amateurish as expected, with the gleaming barrel sticking out of the cover, revealing it very much...but a real sniper would try to hide the barrel in the shadows and cover as much as possible.

▲The sniper position set in the movie, the barrel of the gun obviously extends too far outside the bunker

▲Except for major occasions when performing security deterrence missions and need to deliberately expose themselves, in a real confrontation environment, snipers will hide their shooting positions inside the bunker and will not expose the barrel of the gun out of the window.

In the movie, the time chosen by the Thunder International Security Company team to attack is at night, which seems to be a common time for special operations forces to take action. However, perhaps due to limited funds for props, none of the members of this "elite" assault team carried any night vision sighting equipment at night, and even tactical gun lights that come with the guns are rare. To be honest, even if you buy models of these things, not to mention 800,000 yuan, even 800 yuan might be enough... With this level of budget quotation, even an accountant from the US military would have to learn from him.

▲There is no helmet protection, no beanie hat camouflage, and no night vision equipment

At present, night vision goggles/thermal imaging are already a kind of public-issued products that are easy to find in conventional troops. Some of our military fans will wear binocular night vision goggles when playing real-life CS at night. The entry-level night vision goggles with real functions cost about several thousand to tens of thousands of yuan, which is not as high as everyone imagines. But without night vision goggles, you really can't fight at all in the dark night.

A small-scale assault team with fewer people than the enemy, without the support of one-way transparent tactical equipment, rashly attacks a nest that others defend on a daily basis. The risk factor is infinitely close to "total annihilation."

Because the garrison stationed here all year round is much more familiar with the terrain than outsiders. In this environment, if the attacker is not careful, he may be ambushed and killed by the defenders.

In the 2015 American movie "Sicario", we can see a relatively standard squad night offensive combat configuration.

▲Team members choose night vision goggles or thermal imaging according to their equipment usage habits. Picture from "Sicario"

▲Real shots of night vision goggles in "Sicario"

▲Thermal imaging perspective in "Sicario"

If the requirements are higher, you can also add a silencer and laser pointer configuration (night vision goggles with laser pointers and silencers are a powerful weapon for night urban warfare), and the sights can also be appropriately raised according to the needs of using night vision goggles.

▲Special forces install so many accessories on their guns not to look cool, but because they are really useful

3. If we fight like this, the hostages will have no chance of survival...

All the fighting scenes in the movie can be described as “extremely fierce”, with no rules and only hard confrontations!

Especially in the first battle, when Brother Gazi casually took off his headset (actively disconnected) and pulled the trigger (acted without authorization), the entire team immediately started to attack fiercely, some threw grenades, some stood still and shot, and they directly used the "reckless" strategy...

▲It should be said that this grenade was thrown by a person who looked like a light mortar

▲Hey, brother, you don't even have a scope on your gun, what are you shooting at? I really want to ask: Do actors know what they are aiming at when they shoot?

The only thing worth mentioning is probably the final result of this battle. The hostage died... and it was caused by a bullet shot through the abdomen... This is indeed more realistic, because according to this battle method, I really can't think of any possibility that the hostage could still be alive...

By the way, this is just a 10-minute battle at the beginning of the movie. There is a 40-minute long plot about retirement life afterwards. I skipped it because I couldn’t bear to watch it.

▲I can't understand why the last shot had to be fired with Wang Li Danni in a sniper pose...

In short, the viewing experience of this movie can only be summed up in one sentence:"Gazi, the military business is too complicated, you really can't grasp it..."