
Iranian President meets Shoigu to condemn Israel's assassination of Hamas leader


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(Original title: Iranian President meets with Russian Security Council Secretary to discuss regional and international cooperation)

Iranian President Pezhashyan meets with Shoigu

August 5, local time,Iranian President Pezhaksyan met with Russian Security Council Secretary Sergei Shoigu in Tehran

Pezeshichiyan said that Iran and Russia are strategic partners with deepening relations, and developing strategic relations with Russia is one of Iran's diplomatic priorities. The two countries should implement the agreements reached earlier as soon as possible. Pezeshichiyan also said that he would strengthen regional and international cooperation with Russia, and said that the era when the United States and other countries were so-called leaders in the world has ended. Iran and Russia's exchange of positions and cooperation in promoting world multipolarization will promote world security and peace.

In addition, Pezerhiziyan also condemned Israel's military operations in the Gaza Strip and the assassination of Hamas leader Haniyeh.

Shoigu said that Russia believes that strengthening cooperation with Iran at the bilateral, regional and international levels is of great significance. (CCTV reporter Ni Zihui)