
Israel may be attacked on five fronts, US warships and aircraft are dispatched urgently


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Reference News reported on August 5 According to a report on the Singapore Lianhe Zaobao website on August 4, Israel is stepping up preparations to deal with possible retaliation from Iran and Lebanon's Hezbollah. Israeli authorities expect that attacks may come from as many as five fronts.

According to Israeli media reports, Israeli security agencies are on high alert, and an international coalition led by the United States, whose members include Britain and Arab allies, is also preparing to assist Israel in preventing and intercepting possible attacks from multiple parties, including sending fighter jets and warships on patrol.

The Israeli TV station "New News" also reported that the Israeli leadership held a security meeting over the weekend to discuss how to respond to attacks that may involve "five fronts", but did not elaborate. The report quoted a senior Israeli official as saying that the United States might find it difficult to prevent such an attack and Israel might suffer heavy casualties.

Lebanese Hezbollah military commander Shoukair was killed in an Israeli air strike on July 30. The next day, Hamas Political Bureau leader Haniyeh was also killed in an attack in Iran. Hezbollah and Iran vowed to avenge the two.

Iran's "World" newspaper warned in an editorial on the 3rd that unlike Iran's attack on Israel on April 13, this time Iran will strike deeper into Israel's major cities, strategic centers and official residences. Iran's attack in April was in retaliation for Israel's air strikes on Iranian diplomatic facilities in Damascus. At that time, most of the missiles and drones launched by Iran were intercepted by the US-led international coalition.

According to AFP on August 4, after the Pentagon announced that it had strengthened the US military presence in the Middle East, US Deputy National Security Advisor Jonathan Finner said: "We are preparing for every possibility."

"The Pentagon is moving a lot of assets to the region in preparation to help Israel defend against an attack," Finner said. "At the same time, we are working to de-escalate the situation diplomatically because we believe that a regional war is not in anyone's interest at this moment in time."

The report said the United States has deployed more warships and fighter jets to protect its troops and ally Israel from threats posed by Iran and its backed militant groups such as Hamas in Palestine and Hezbollah in Lebanon.