
World of Warcraft: The server has been expanded, but queuing still exists. How can we solve this problem?


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After the official Chinese server of World of Warcraft was opened, many servers with a large number of players were waiting in long queues, and some servers even had waiting times of more than an hour. Because the official Chinese server did not open any new servers, it is rare for a group of players to go to one server. In comparison, it is much better than the nostalgic server. When the nostalgic server was first opened, the two new servers, especially Jaina, almost required waiting in long queues for five or six hours before entering the game. However, World of Warcraft recently carried out a round of expansion for the official server, but many players are still not satisfied after the expansion.

However, players are still not satisfied after this expansion. Judging from the announcement, this expansion of World of Warcraft is actually aimed at some servers, and players on these servers have found that even after the official expansion, the queue situation remains the same. Some players may even have seen the official expansion announcement and went directly to these servers to play the game. Therefore, there is a situation that the more the official expands, the longer the queue time becomes.

In the comment section of the expansion announcement, some people commented why the capacity of Ansu server was not expanded. After all, the waiting time for Ansu server has reached one hour. However, after reading the comment section, I found that one hour of waiting in line for Ansu is nothing among so many servers, because the waiting time for other servers is almost three hours. This shows the players' expectations for the return of the official World of Warcraft server in China. Therefore, there are still many people waiting in line for this server.

However, it is a bit unreasonable that the server Ansu is not included in the expansion announcement this time. According to the character statistics given by the Big Foot plug-in, Ansu is definitely ahead of other servers. There are 230,000 characters in Ansu alone, which is nearly 30,000 higher than the second-ranked Silver Hand. It can be seen how strong the appeal of Ansu is. However, the queue situation in Ansu has actually improved a bit and there are not as many people as when the server was just opened.

However, during the weekday test this week, we found that the queue situation has improved a lot, and there are not so many players queuing. Therefore, there are two explanations. One is that the official expansion of World of Warcraft is not only the servers mentioned in the announcement, but also other servers are being optimized. Another point is that players have begun to lose players. After all, the first day of the server opening is the most enthusiastic time for players to play the game, and as time goes by, some World of Warcraft players have chosen to AFK.

Many players may wonder why there are so many people queuing up? One of the main reasons for the queuing phenomenon is actually the studio, because the studio will open a large number of small accounts to brush resources in the game, and the existence of these small accounts will cause many normal players to be unable to enter the game, so World of Warcraft has been cracking down on studio script accounts. Secondly, many players are looking for people to queue up for them, which leads to an increase in the number of people queuing up. Of course, another possibility is simply because the game is too popular.

Some smart people even asked, why doesn't World of Warcraft make the server unlimited capacity, and why do players have to queue up? Nonggong thinks this may be simply for operational cost considerations. If Anzu has 230,000 players, and another server has only 100 players, and the other server uses the same configuration as Anzu, then the other servers will waste resources. So sometimes queuing is actually a normal situation.

However, one disadvantage of frequent queues in the game is queuing on behalf of others. Currently, many studios are developing queuing on behalf of others. Players only need to pay a certain amount of money or G coins, and then the studio will help you keep the account, and you can enter the game in seconds. However, the Chinese server of World of Warcraft has just been launched and the crackdown on plug-ins and scripts is relatively strong. Therefore, farmers and workers recommend that you do not buy scripts or plug-ins to avoid having your account blocked.