
Sales determine fate: Tesla's expansion plan in Berlin, Germany is still pending


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IT Home reported on August 5 that Andre Thierry, manager of Tesla's Berlin factory, said that before confirming market demand, billions of dollars will not be invested in factory expansion. "If the market does not clearly signal the need to expand production, we will not spend billions of dollars to expand the factory."

Last month, the Brandenburg State Environment Agency partially approved Tesla's expansion plan for the Berlin factory. Tesla was allowed to start construction within the existing factory, but was not allowed to cut down more trees in the forest near the factory. The expansion permit for Tesla's Berlin factory was divided into several parts.Approval for the second part was delayed last month.

Thierry said:Tesla must consider another factor when expanding its Berlin factory: electric vehicle sales.

IT Home noted that since the beginning of the year, many companies have talked about the decline in the global electric vehicle market, which has affected automakers and other electric vehicle supply chain companies to varying degrees. Tesla admitted that the electric vehicle market stabilized in 2024, but still firmly believed that electric vehicles are the future of the automotive industry. Thierry is also optimistic about the prospects of the Berlin factory. "We firmly believe that the market will pick up again. It's just a matter of time and speed."

Thierry believes that sales from the UK will help drive expansion plans for the Berlin plant.