
The two parties and two houses of the U.S. have issued a call to arms to the American people. Do they really have the strength to defeat China and Russia?


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At the end of July, the United States released a double report, which was jointly released by the Senate and the House of Representatives, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. It is very substantial. This is a heart-wrenching report that criticizes the outdated defense strategy of the United States, the unreasonable military structure, and the serious lack of industrial base. If China and Russia join forces to fight a war with the United States, then the once invincible US military will lose. Therefore, the report said that the Democratic and Republican parties should join hands to issue a battle order to the American people. It seems that the anxiety of the US decision-makers is really serious, and they need to call on Americans to unite and fight together against the enemy.

In recent years, there have been many such sensational reports, statements or open letters in the United States, which are not worth our fuss. The milestone event was that Trump officially adopted a comprehensive anti-China policy. Since then, the US military has begun to publicly prepare for an all-out war with China. But this period was also a period when the PLA's combat effectiveness was greatly improved. The more the US military studied, the more frightened it became. After the outbreak of the Ukrainian war, the United States once again discovered that its military production capacity and munitions inventory were so poor that it was even very difficult to support its agents in a local war. Not only that, the United States also pushed Russia completely to the opposite side of itself through the Ukrainian war. In this way, the United States will have to face the two major powers of China and Russia and fight an all-out war at the same time.

Military production cannot be faked. No matter how good the financial statements are, they are useless without real guns and bullets. Strong military production requires digging out ore, smelting it into various materials, and then processing it into parts, assembling it into single machines, components, subsystems, and then assembling it into a whole. In this process, huge power, logistics, and manufacturing equipment support are required, high-level and efficient production management and quality control are required, and a large and skilled group of engineers and technical workers are needed. Even if it is just "stupid" ammunition such as large-caliber artillery shells, it requires huge special steel smelting and processing capabilities, and pyrotechnic production and processing capabilities. The logistics system also needs to have the corresponding skills and experience to safely deliver these hot-tempered things from the factory to the battlefield.

The current situation is a black humor for the United States. China has a complete military-industrial system. Although Russia lacks the ability to manufacture military electronic information, it can mass-produce traditional weapons and ammunition. North Korea and Iran have been preparing for war for a long time. Their military-industrial systems are not high-performance, but their production capacity is not a problem. The once powerful US military-industrial complex has been destroyed by the US ruling class and the US financial consortium.

The military industry does not exist independently and needs to be built on the basis of general manufacturing. However, there is a reasonable space for profits in the manufacturing industry, and it is difficult to make huge profits like the financial industry. American financial groups sneer at the manufacturing industry, and capitalists are scrambling to move factories out of the United States and move them to South Korea, Southeast Asia, and even China. The most direct consequence of this practice is that the American industrial workers and engineers disappear. Without the right people to do the work, the decline of the American military industry is an inevitable result.

The US government and military have used many unorthodox methods, such as purchasing from allies. However, Europe's manufacturing industry has also become hollowed out. Even a manufacturing powerhouse like Germany cannot meet US demand for military production. The US has also set its sights on the production capacity of South Korea and Japan, but these two countries lack resources. The US needs to ship minerals or raw materials to Japan and South Korea by sea in order to organize production. When the time comes for an "all-out" war, will the opponent allow the US, Japan, and South Korea to transport them at ease? I'm afraid that the factories in Japan and South Korea will not be able to be saved.

If the United States wants to change this crisis, it needs the return of manufacturing as Trump has said. However, this requires a complete change in the US economic operation model, a thorough cleansing of Wall Street, and allowing finance to serve the real economy. In other words, it requires the US ruling class to revolutionize itself and overthrow itself, which is obviously impossible.

Therefore, the problems described in this committee report exist objectively, but there is no solution. Even if a country suddenly launches a Pearl Harbor-style attack, the United States will be helpless. The industrial workers that could be mobilized in large numbers in the past no longer exist today. Even if the two parties jointly issue a battle call, it will only be an empty slogan.