
Foreign media: Mali announces severance of diplomatic relations with Ukraine


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China News Service, August 5. According to reports from Reuters and AFP, Mali said on the 4th local time that after Ukraine admitted its involvement in the "obvious aggression" against Mali, Mali announced that it would immediately sever diplomatic relations with Ukraine.

According to reports, the Malian transitional government has noted that the Ukrainian military intelligence spokesman Yusov recently made comments admitting that Ukraine was involved in the attack launched by armed terrorist groups, which caused casualties and property losses to Malian troops. Mali said it was "deeply shocked by the subversive remarks."

Mali said that the actions taken by the Ukrainian authorities "violated Mali's sovereignty, went beyond the scope of foreign interference" and "constituted a clear aggression against Mali."

In March 2012, a military coup took place in Mali, and Tuareg militants seized the capitals of three regions, including Kidal in the north. In May 2015, the Malian government signed a peace and reconciliation agreement with some armed groups in the north, and in June of the same year, all parties signed the final agreement. However, conflicts have continued in northern Mali in recent years, and armed attacks in the central and southern regions have also increased.

According to previous reports, the Malian armed forces said on July 30 that Malian troops suffered heavy casualties in a battle with the "terrorist alliance" in the northeast of the country on July 26.