
Shocked! Professor Yu Dan's calligraphy works are so stunning


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Yu Dan is a professor and doctoral supervisor at Beijing Normal University, a famous cultural woman. Philosopher Li Zehou once said when talking about Yu Dan's contribution to the public: "Yu Dan is a bridge connecting the elite and the common people." However, we want to talk about Yu Dan's calligraphy.

Yu Dan was born into a family of scholars. Her father is the famous Chinese scholar Yu Lianlao. Under the education of her family, Yu Dan has read a lot of books since she was young. She is also very interested in Chinese characters. She has conducted in-depth research on the techniques and structure of calligraphy and has a certain understanding of calligraphy. Her love for calligraphy continues to this day.

It should be said that when evaluating a good calligraphy, we should not only pay attention to factors such as the brush and ink, but also pay attention to the artistic conception it contains. Teacher Yu Dan is not a professional calligrapher, but her calligraphy is very serious, unlike some "celebrity calligraphy" that is so exaggerated, and has its own style.

Judging from her personal introduction, Yu Dan has a solid foundation in Chinese studies. I think many people can understand this from her interpretation of The Analects and Zhuangzi on CCTV's "Lecture Room". There is no doubt that the profound Chinese cultural heritage has greatly benefited his calligraphy creation, at least giving his calligraphy cultural connotations.

Someone once said that Yu Dan has a very good foundation in calligraphy. Her handwriting is elegant and graceful, with a rigorous structure. In particular, her hard pen is fluent and generous, with both hardness and softness, and her skills are profound. It reflects the cultural and artistic cultivation and literary talent of a contemporary intellectual woman, and it also has a "Qi Ti" flavor. She can be said to be a master of calligraphy.

Of course, whether Ms. Yu Dan is a master of calligraphy or not, everyone has their own opinions, but this is not important. But objectively speaking, although Professor Yu Dan is just an amateur, he can bring the beauty of calligraphy to the extreme, which is remarkable, and his spirit is worthy of recognition.