
You must see Chairman Mao’s five-character calligraphy!


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Chairman Mao left behind countless calligraphy works, but the most popular one is "Serve the People"!

Many people have heard of these four big characters. Premier Zhou even made a commemorative medal with Chairman Mao’s calligraphy and hung it on himself to prove that our ancestors were all virtuous and worthy of our respect!

Chairman Mao used different fonts, different fonts, different colors, different colors, and different colors many times, all of which were so beautiful. Just like the one below, which is: "Seek truth from facts and serve the people wholeheartedly!"

The brush strokes are light, flowing and natural.

But if we talk about the best, it’s the last two paintings, where every character is vigorous and powerful, showing the might and strength of cursive script to its fullest!

Especially this piece of stone carving, with its simple brushwork and huge contrast in font size, gives people a strong visual impact and a feeling of blood boiling.

In fact, Hua Guofeng and Deng Xiaoping also wrote these five characters, each with its own characteristics and features. You are welcome to appreciate them together!

This is Mr. Hua’s "Serving the People", which is rich, heavy and steady, and expresses Hua Guofeng’s true feelings vividly.

Mr. Hua also wrote a poem called "For the Country and the People". This poem is also very good and touching. It expresses a lofty emotion and reveals a simple emotion.

Therefore, when you see these words, you will feel a special touch, because these words will make people feel a strong resonance! This is not something that ordinary people can write!

I wonder what you think after reading this, please leave a message!