
Tibet Airport Group launches electronic ticket itinerary


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The apron of Lhasa Gonggar International Airport. Photo provided by Wu Qiang

On August 2, the reporter learned from the Civil Aviation Tibet Regional Bureau that the Tibet Airport Group, as an IATA international passenger sales agent, needs to collect paper tickets from the clearing center, and the invalid paper tickets need to be mailed back to the clearing center. At the same time, when passengers purchase air tickets, paper tickets can only be printed once, and they cannot be replaced if lost. Once lost, it will cause a lot of trouble for travel expense reimbursement. In order to solve the above problems and improve the travel experience of passengers, the Tibet Airport Group actively coordinated with relevant departments in accordance with the relevant spirit of the Clearing Center's "Notice on Adjusting the Number of Paper Itineraries Issued in the Second Half of 2024", and stepped up the relevant work of launching electronic tickets.

On July 31, Tibet Airport Group launched the electronic ticket itinerary. Passengers can choose paper ticket itinerary or electronic ticket itinerary according to their own situation. The electronic ticket itinerary is an electronic replacement for the paper "electronic air transport ticket itinerary" and is a type of digital electronic invoice. Compared with the traditional paper itinerary, the electronic ticket itinerary has added the tax rate, tax amount, purchaser name, unified social credit code and QR code in the nature of the invoice. The issued electronic ticket itinerary supports email reception, which is convenient for passengers to inquire. In terms of the time limit for issuing the electronic ticket itinerary, it has been changed from the original 27 days of the paper itinerary to 180 days after the passenger takes off, providing passengers with more flexible time options. At the same time, the electronic ticket itinerary has the advantages of convenient electronic account entry and automatic collection.

After the Tibet Airport Group launches the electronic ticket itinerary, paper ticket itinerary will gradually disappear from the stage of history. This move not only makes the ticket agency sales work faster and more efficient, but also provides a more convenient travel experience for passengers. Next, the Tibet Airport Group will gradually promote the online work of the electronic ticket itinerary at airports in Tibet.

The reporter learned that in July, the Tibet Civil Aviation Administration safely ensured 6,725 take-offs and landings of flights, 831,000 passengers, and 4,948.7 tons of cargo and mail, up 13.2%, 7.8%, and 7.9% year-on-year, respectively. Among them, Lhasa Gonggar International Airport safely ensured 4,995 take-offs and landings of flights, 670,000 passengers, and 4,402.7 tons of cargo and mail, up 12.9%, 8.4%, and 7.7% year-on-year, respectively.

Since the start of this year's summer travel season, tourist traffic, returning home for family visits, and student traffic have formed a superimposed effect, and the travel demand of passengers in and out of Tibet has continued to rise. Tibet's civil aviation transportation production has maintained a strong development trend, with an average daily flight takeoff and landing of more than 200 flights. On July 21, the daily passenger throughput reached 29,900; on July 24, the daily flight takeoff and landing reached 232 flights. In July, the passenger throughput exceeded 800,000, setting a new historical peak record! (Deji Cuomu Zhang Xuefang)